Letters to the editor for Friday, Oct. 31, 2014

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Support existing Board of Supervisors

This Board of Supervisors’ campaign is one of the nastiest that I can recall in our town history. I cannot speak enough for supporting the existing board and the hope that they bring to our City for growth and inspiration to improve our economy and make Carson City a destination place. In the 25 years that I have been involved in the downtown dynamics, this is the only Board of Supervisors that is moving forward with a vision to better our City.

We need to encourage improvement and work together. Traffic levels taken a few years ago were at 1972 levels, the most recent study taken a few months ago, show that we are currently at the late 1960 levels. The downtown streets are going to be torn up to replace the water and sewer lines and the downtown businesses will need our support during this transition; let’s put the core of our City back together by creating an environment that is walkable, people and business friendly. A strong downtown core will improve our economy and raise your property values.

The improvements for this project and other city corridors are being paid for by the 1/8% sales tax that has already been approved; There can only be one “Historic Downtown” and let’s develop ours to be a community where all generations gather to support existing businesses as well as welcoming new business. We need to become a destination place.

We need to support the existing Board of Supervisors!

Doreen Mack

The Downtown 20/20 Group

Abowd talks about her vision

My vision for our community is to be a “drive to” destination – not another “drive by” in Nevada.

My responsibility as a Supervisor includes the goal to increase property values. Tied to that goal is yet another goal, a prosperous economy – drawn to in part – by a local governmental environment encouraging expansion for existing private enterprises as well as the arrival of new for-profit endeavors.

Linked to these goals is my hope, vision, and yes, yet another goal — which I hear repeatedly expressed by many concerned parents — to entice our Carson City youth to study here; to live their lives here; and, to grow their families in our capital city.

I also seek to model our city government’s budgeting on a business-like basis. Specific, measurable indicators for a “pay for performance” compensation policy for city employees based on both good business – as well as – common sense.

Lastly, I would be remiss if I did not express my deep appreciation for the opportunity to serve as your Carson City Supervisor.

The time required studying all the prepared materials for scheduled meetings;

The energy needed to actively participate in both the many official as well as numerous community events;

And, the patience needed to listen, to hear, to consider and then to evaluate all opinions are just part of the never-ending reality about this very demanding, but very intrinsically rewarding job.

I ask for your support. Thank you.

Karen Abowd

Board of Supervisors Ward 1

Supervisor Shirk endorses board candidates

It has been said: one cannot really understand politics until one is in the fray. I understand the indescribable mixture of pain and patriotism it takes to serve as an elected official, and I honor all who do. One must have a sensitive ear, to and for the populace, as public opinion is at times fickle. At the end of the day, as votes of an elected official is tallied, what is vital to remember before casting a vote that as an elected official we work for you the citizen. With that being said: being your Supervisor of Ward 4, is not a popularity contest. It’s not about making friends of fellow board members but rather being rational and reasonable with matters of the city. I believe what is best for our community and the fiscal management of our city funds is vital for our prosperity. For these reasons, I believe the opportunity to bring change is upon us - YOUR vote for Carson City Board of Supervisors - Lisa Helget, Ward 1 & Lori Bagwell, Ward 3. Is the best way for that change to begin.

Jim Shirk

Board of Supervisors Ward 4

Why I love Nevada

As our wonderful state celebrates its 150th birthday, I would like to state several reasons why I love Nevada so much.

There are a lot of rural and ghost towns worth visiting, such as Tonopah, Elko, Ely, Goldfield and Laughlin.

Many celebrities filmed countless movies throughout Carson City, Reno and Las Vegas.

Las Vegas is home to several famous bands including The Killers and Imagine Dragons.

I love the awesome various dining establishments that you can find throughout the entire state.

There are tons of historical museums worth visiting.

Lake Tahoe, Lake Mead, and the Hoover Dam are a visitor’s paradise for all sorts of recreation.

Finally, I enjoy driving on the various desert highways and interstates, such as Highway 95 or the Loneliest Road in America.

Overall, when visiting our great state, you can either choose to see nothing or everything. Happy Birthday, Nevada!

Joshua Dealy

Carson City

An ode to Nevada

Oh, Nevada and 1964,

Gov. Nye, Blasdel, statesman and such,

We became a state out of the dust.

Our motto will be “Battle Born,”

Into the Civil War and into the storm.

Headed out west where the sage and the wind blows

The State of Nevada is desert, you know.

Carson City, what do you see?

Our fair capital and the powers that be

Now let me go on, all the towns in our state,

Reno, Las Vegas, Elko, but wait,

Lovelock, Virginia City, Tonopah, too,

Can’t name them all, but I did name a few.

It still is gambling, divorces and such,

But betting on that would be a bust.

Can’t forget mining and the Comstock Lode

It was such an era of silver and gold.

Air races, balloon races, high in the sky

You better look quick, they’re all flying by.

Hoover Dam, it was quite a site

Of epic proportions and built just right.

150 years, the future is so bright

We’ve come out of the recession and into the light.

Out of the past and into the future

Tesla Motors, you are our suture.

Wonderful Nevada, oh, what a state!

The spirit is now upon us, and I can’t wait!

Jennifer Burton-Schnabel

Carson City

Celebrate safe and sober

It is time to start making plans to get home safely for you, your friends, and your family members. Being a designated driver is a good start.

If you are asked to be the designated driver, here are some tips that you should follow:

Don’t have a single drink. This includes having a drink before you leave to enjoy the evening with your friends or family.

Do have a soda, water, or other non-alcoholic beverage. Resist peer pressure to drink while at a party or a bar.

Don’t suddenly decide that you no longer want to be the designated driver. Your friends are counting on you to get them home.

Remember to be tolerant and considerate to those who are drinking. Alcohol affects the way we think and act. When necessary, be the voice of reason and help defuse possible conflicts.

Don’t leave anyone behind. Once you have been declared the designated driver, it is your responsibility to make sure everyone makes it home safely.

Enjoy your time out also. Just because you are the designated driver does not mean that you cannot have fun with your friends also.

Be proud of your decision to keep your friends and family safe. Every year people are killed in crashes that are caused by drunk drivers. By being a designated driver, you are keeping our roads safe and saving lives.

Sgt. Scott McDaniel

Carson City Sheriff’s Office


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