Past Pages for Sunday, Sept. 28, 2014

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140 Years Ago

Mrs. Anna Eliza Young is billed to lecture at the Methodist church in Carson. She has the reputation of being a very acute analyzer of Brigham’s concrete cussedness. She is so successful to command the auspices of Redpath’s Lyccum Bureau ...

130 Years Ago

Wayside notes. Four pages of fools cap covered with campaign poetry were received at the Appeal office. We will keep it intact until we put up a new stove.

110 Years Ago

Advertisement. “Experienced astrologist, writes life chart, giving liabilities, congenialities, best occupation, localities, etc. Send age, sex and fifty cents. Corner King and Curry St., Dr. Davison’s residence. She locates mines and reads palms and heads.”

70 Years Ago

Club pack, Den 3 will meet in the boy and girl scout rooms of the Supreme Court building. Den mothers Alice Meder, Emma Miller and Olive Berger will be assisted by Den Chief Bill Awbrey. A joint meeting will be a picnic at Bowers Mansion. Cub belonging to Den 3, are Robert Berger, Buddy Miller, Robert Slade, John Grubic, Michael Shaughnessy, Bud Borden, Eddie Stokke, John Meder and Donald O’Dell.

50 Years Ago

Births at Carson-Tahoe Hospital: Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Palazzolo are parents of a girl weighing six pounds, 11 3/4 ounces born Saturday, Sept. 26, 1964.

30 Years Ago

Roy Thoreson of Calgary, Canada, walked away with soggy shoes and his fourth Grand Championship at the Seventh International Whistle-off in Mills Park ...

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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