An art display by local cancer patients is on display through Friday at Carson Tahoe Cancer Center in Carson City.
Carson Tahoe Cancer Center, an affiliate of Huntsman Cancer Institute, University of Utah, is hosting an art show of more than 25 pieces, created by cancer patients, survivors, caregivers and loved ones, through Friday.
The show represents an inspiring journey of hope through paintings, mixed-media, music, photography, and quilt-work.
Claire, 9, is one of the artists who submitted a drawing called “Together,” depicting a happy time in spring with her mom, who is currently receiving care at Carson Tahoe. Claire is not only an artist, but she is also a heartfelt donor. She recently made and donated fleece blankets for other patients who are going through chemotherapy treatment.
“My mom struggled with being cold all the time during chemo, and I wanted her and other patients to be warm,” Claire said.
“As part of our dedication to providing compassionate care and upholding the highest quality standards through our American College of Surgeons’ Commission on Cancer accreditation, we have developed forward-thinking programs designed to heal the mind, body, and soul,” said Annie Millard, director of Carson Tahoe Cancer Services. “We are grateful to provide the opportunity for our patients to experience art therapy, music therapy, and guided meditation classes, which supports their individual healing processes. The art show is a culmination of the beautiful pieces that have been created in the last year. Thanks to Gini Letcher, one of our caring nurses at the cancer center, the unique collection is now on display for our visitors, patients, and their loved ones to enjoy.”
Creative expression has been shown to ease depression, reduce anxiety, and inspire healing. Claire, her brother and mom, who have also contributed personal works of art, are examples of how a family can pull together and transform their challenging journey with cancer into a means of healing and hope, for themselves and others.
The cancer resource center is a haven for Northern Nevadans dealing with a cancer diagnosis. At no cost, the center offers individual counseling, support groups, screening clinics, a lending library, online access to cancer-related websites, assistance with second opinions, and a host of health and wellness classes. Wigs, scarves, hats, and prostheses are also available.
“This focus on healing through the cancer journey is what the Cancer Center is all about,” said Kitty McKay, director of foundation development. “And we are always blown away by the people in our community who reach out to lift one another during challenging times.”
Many of the pieces in the exhibit are for sale, with proceeds supporting area cancer patients in need. Your purchase or direct donation to this lifesaving cause sustains this circle of hope.
To see the art collection, stop by Carson Tahoe Cancer Center, 1535 Medical Parkway, during business hours. For more information, call 775-445-5166.