Western Nevada Affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, or NAMI, received a $500 donation from the Carson City Retirees Chapter 1245 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.
Western Nevada Affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, or NAMI, received a $500 donation from the Carson City Retirees Chapter 1245 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.
Shown from the left are Bill Keating, president of IBEW Retirees Chapter 1245; Kathy Bakst, vice president of NAMI Western Nevada; Sandie Draper, secretary of IBEW Retirees Chapter 1245.
NAMI Western Nevada Board President Robin Reedy said, “We are tremendously appreciative of IBEW’s support. In our first year we have worked hard to raise awareness of the prevalence of mental illness among all spectrums of the western Nevada community, and now we need funding to provide education and support groups for peers coping with mental illness and their family members. IBEW’s generous contribution is allowing us to start this important work.”