Letters to the editor for Friday, Jan. 2, 2015

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Good luck in the future to Teri Vance

Thank you so much, Teri Vance, for your great service to this community and others. Thank you for all the great articles and stories you have shared through your gift of words over the last 15-plus years, I believe.

I want to especially thank you for always covering the Willow Reindeer Project, for always remembering the kids of Northern Nevada in their quest to facilitate the nation’s largest art project. Thank you for the great photos and just for being a cool person.

Teri Vance, I hope your future is all you want ­— you deserve it!

Your friend,

“Willow” Bill Goulardt

Carson City

Thank you for efforts to make Carson Street safer

It is truly an appreciated effort that the sheriff’s office has initiated a crosswalk surveillance program and it is one that the Downtown 2020 Group supports.

The vision and goal of the Downtown 2020 group is to make Carson Street pedestrian friendly. This process has been in the design works for 5 years. After many meetings with the city and public, studies, research, design plans and traffic counts, (which are currently at the late 1960s level) our vision has come to fruition and the plan was approved by our Board of Supervisors last summer, work to begin after the next legislative session.

The Carson Street design plan will be implemented in conjunction with the medians being taken up to replace the obsolete water and sewer lines. We will be going from four lanes to two lanes with a turn lane, with wider sidewalks, a bike lane and parking. The goal is to be a pedestrian and business friendly downtown that is a destination place. Fewer lanes automatically assures slower traffic.

Our thanks goes out to the sheriff’s office and our city in making the public aware of the pedestrian issue.

Wishing you all a safe and wonderful New Year.

Doreen Mack

President 2020 group


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