Past Pages for Thursday, Jan. 15, 2015

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140 Years Ago

Sarah Winnemucca is reported as so sick she requires a physician. Reported by the Silver State in Winnemucca.

130 Years

Laughing gas. The doctor came back in and an astonishing sight met his gaze. Poujade and a young lady from San Francisco had fallen on each other necks, and were reeling and laughing like mad people. Dennis had thrown off his senatorial dignity and didn’t care whether he hugged the hot stove or the lamp stands. Andrews had mounted the dental chair and was crying and then laughing hysterically. The chaplain was near the door when the gas was let out and had slipped out supposing that he had fallen among lunatics. (Continued on Friday).

110 Years Ago

Kawich Ore. A rich piece of gold was passed around by Harry Stimler from Kawich. The specimen is about seven inches long and three across, knocked down from croppings of the ledge at the camp and literally alive with gold. It was taken and placed in Tonopah at the Nye and Ormsby County Bank. The strike has resulted in another rush and laying out of town site known as Goldreed.

70 Years Ago

Poison capsule. A capsule of strychnine placed by a dog poisoner was found by little Leslie Boyd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Averill Boyd. Fortunately the child came into the home with the capsule in his hands (Elko Free Press).

50 Years Ago

Births at Carson Tahoe Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Helgren of Reno are parents of a girl.

15 Years Ago

Opposition to nuclear storage is greater than ever before. Seventy-five percent of Nevadans statewide oppose storing high-level nuclear waste and 74 percent oppose congressional plans to temporarily store waste at the Nevada Test Site ...

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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