Past Pages for Tuesday, March 17, 2015 | Serving Northern Nevada

Past Pages for Tuesday, March 17, 2015

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140 Years Ago

Frisbie’s. The most handsome trout is lying in state at Frisbie’s. It was a silver-belly, round and plump as a salmon and weighed 16 pounds from Lake Bigler (Tahoe). The largest one, weighing 29 pounds, was caught by Tom Rowland in the spring of 1869, and presented to President Grant.

130 Years Ago

Artesian well fish. A well was sunk on Rooker’s ranch. The little speckled trout must have come up through the pipe from the depths. The water flows freely filling a large tank in 10 hours. Where those fish come from is hard to believe, but they show for themselves. (Reveille)

110 Years Ago

The railroads. Work is progressing on the Goldfield railroad. The contractor expects to cover three miles a week. When the 500 tons of rails are shipped, the track laying will begin.

70 Years Ago

Advertisement. “Carson Theater — Mady Christians, ‘A Wicked Woman,’ with Jean Parker and Charles Bickford — Born of a story of emotions at white heat — a new star flames in the movie heavens ...”

50 Years Ago

Airman Third Class Samuel Lompa has graduated from the technical training course for U.S. Air Force jet engines at Amarillo AFB, Texas, and is returning to his Nevada Air National Guard unit in Reno.

15 Years Ago

Carson Middle School honor roll (in part): sixth grade — Briana Dodge, Eric Kvam, Rosella Nunez; seventh grade — Cody Drews, Jacob Rasner, Michael Teixiera; eighth grade — Erin Amodei, Timothy Hohl, Andrew Abbott.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.