Past Pages for Wednesday, May 6, 2015

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140 Years Ago

Circus. Brien’s great menagerie and circus will arrive in Virginia City on June 4 where it will have a short show and then proceed to California. The circus portion includes 40 star performers, 62 trained steeds and three circus rings under one huge pavilion. There are 39 cages of wild animals, sea lions, trained ostriches, two giraffes, and four elephants.

130 Years Ago

Sunday at Lake Tahoe. Glenbrook was enlivened by a series of amusements — A yacht race between the sloop yachts Fannie and Fleeter. As the word was given for the start, both boats heeled over on the port tack and passed the judges on the wharf. The Fannie won, even though Captain Bodine from the Fleeter claimed a foul.

110 Years Ago

Advertisement. “Briggs House, Carson City, Nevada, Gilbert Briggs, Proprietor. This old established hotel, known from Maine to Oregon and from Georgia to the Gulf, has recently inaugurated a system of electricity through the entire building whereby every room is lighted by incandescent lights. At the present time this is the only hotel in Carson that is lighted exclusively by electricity. First-class throughout. Best $1 a day house on the Coast. Free bus to and from the trains. Meals 25 cents, lodging 25 cents and 50 cents.

70 Years Ago

Furlough. S/Sgt. John Supera arrived here for a three-week furlough. He has completed 35 missions as a radio-gunner on a Flying Fortress in the European theater of war ...

50 Years Ago

Advertisement. “Carson Theater — ‘Kiss Me, Stupid’ with Dean Martin, Kim Novak, Ray Walston.”

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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