The Carson City Visitors Bureau board scheduled a special meeting Thursday to hold a public hearing and adopt the bureau’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2015-16 budget.
The 4 p.m. meeting is at the bureau office’s conference room, 716 N. Carson St., and mainly public comment, the public hearing and adoption of the budget are listed on the agenda.
The board oversees a bureau to promote tourism in Carson City and is funded primarily by lodging tax revenues. The budget for next fiscal year envisions bureau operational expenditures of more than $1.3 million, according to pre-meeting documentation supplied to state government by Joel Dunn, bureau executive director.
Dunn said revenues for FY 2015-16 are anticipated at almost $2.4 million but the bulk of the difference goes for bond payments, primarily involving the V & T Railway system, so they aren’t listed on the bureau expenditure side of the equation. The special meeting for the budget is required by state law.
The board normally meets once monthly on a Monday afternoon in the Sierra Room at the Carson City Community Center, but Dunn said this session is in the bureau office conference room to avoid any possible conflict because the Carson City Board of Supervisors meets Thursday in the Sierra Room.