Past Pages for Tuesday, Nov. 24, 2015

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150 Years Ago

The trip to Mono Lake — Lunday’s [sic] ranch: We found Mr. Lunday’s ranch on the lake shore at sundown. We found him to be an old acquaintance, having crossed the plains in company in 1852. Mono Lake is one of the greatest curiosities in the state of California. Mr. Lunday tendered us his boat (20 feet long and six feet wide) for a trip to the islands. The boat was capable of holding 10 or 12 men. We rose in the morning to a cloudless sky and packed provisions for one day and night, 10 gallons of water and many blankets.

130 Years Ago

Sharon’s gifts. William Sharon’s bequests to different charitable institutions stamp him as something more than a mere money-getter. He has bequeathed the following sums in Nevada: Catholic Orphan Asylum, Virginia City, $5,000; Orphans’ Home, Carson, $5,000; Bishop Whittaker, of Nevada, to be applied to such useful purposes as he may deem best, $2,000; Bishop Manogue, Virginia City, to be applied to Virginia City charities, $2,000.

110 Years Ago

A new theory — Scotty’s famous mine. The gyrations of that sensational individual known as “Scotty” is nearing a solution for the waiting public. It is well enough advertised to swing a large crowd of investors its way when the trap is sprung. It is said the wonderful mine is located in a totally different direction from that previously intimated. Native gold is said to be sticking out of the ledge in great chunks ... As the mine has now been moved from the Funeral Range to the Panamint range, the stock will probably derive some benefit.

70 Years Ago

Ice skating. The city is conditioning the ice skating pond at the east end of the city. Many youngsters have been eyeing their skates and sharpening the steel blades in anticipation of winter days ahead.

50 Years Ago

Photo caption. Candy cane, part of Carson City’s Christmas decorations, is affixed by workmen from the Sierra Pacific Power Company. Holiday lighting will be delayed while awaiting arrival of additional units, according to Sam Harrison, Chamber of Commerce manager.

20 Years Ago

Disabilities Act. Government officials are determined to bring government buildings into compliance with the ADA, but there isn’t enough money. Public accommodations and services are to be completed by 1992 on existing structures and on new buildings by 1993.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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