Past Pages for Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2015 | Serving Northern Nevada

Past Pages for Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2015

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150 years ago

A well-known lawyer had a horse that always stopped and refused to cross the mill dam bridge leading out of the city. No whipping, no urging, would carry him over without stopping. So he advertised him, “To be sold for no other reason than that the owner wants to go out of town.”

130 years ago

Dan DeQuille is writing some good things for the Carson Free Lance. Dan has more genuine humor in his little finger than Mark Twain ever had in his whole selfish carcass. He hasn’t the facility, however, for turning it into money. -— Times-Review

100 years ago

Mrs. Dan DeQuille, who has been confined to her bed for the past few days with grip, is reported to be better today. Mr. Quille’s father is quite ill with the same malady and on account of his age is considered to be serious.

70 years ago

With approximately 100 members of the Ormsby County Sportsman’s association attending, a duck dinner was served at the Carson Hot Springs Friday. The dinner was presided over by Frank Gregory acting as toastmaster named by President Jess Maxsom.

50 years ago

(Photo caption) Stars for Carson City’s streets for Christmas have arrived and today were hung in the center of the tinsel strands which span Carson Street. The work is being done by Nevada Bell.

30 years ago

C.J. Hadley, the outspoken and sometimes controversial publisher of the state-run Nevada Magazine, announced her resignation Monday.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.