Senator Square: CHS business classes learning to be entrepreneurial

Fabiola Mata-Garci

Fabiola Mata-Garci

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The Junior Achievement “Be Entrepreneurial” course is being taught at Carson High School this Fall in all CHS Business classes. Bill Heitman and Ila Acchtabowski from Junior Achievement have been instrumental in making this happen. The course will be taught by professionals from Sierra Financial Advisors Sally Kaplan and Katie Coombs. Junior Achievement is a non-profit youth organization founded in 1919 by Horace A. Moses, Theodore Vail and Winthrop M. Crane. Junior Achievement works with local businesses and organizations to deliver experiential programs on the topics of financial literacy, work readiness, and entrepreneurship to students in kindergarten through high school. In addition, Sierra Financial will be one of the community business sponsors of the CHS Shark Tank Competition. Students in each CHS Business Class are now competing for a $200 Grand Prize for the Best Business Plan in each class. CHS would like to thank Sierra Financial for its support of Carson High School academics and students.


Congratulations to the Blue Thunder Marching Band for not only taking first place in its division at McQueen, but also, first place woodwinds, first place brass, and first place percussion.


The instrumental music department of CHS is proud to present our annual fall concert entitled, “Alleluia.” The concert will feature the Jazz Ensemble, Concert Band, Orchestra, and Wind Ensemble playing a variety of music. The concert will take place at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Carson City Community Center. Donations will be accepted for admission to the concert.


The choir department is holding its first concert of the year featuring musical theater and all choir classes at 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Community Center. Admission is $4 for adults, $2 for students without a student body card, and $1 for students with a student body card. Come hear the beautiful numbers the choir students have been working so hard to prepare.


Speech and Debate, Drama, and ROTC will be hosting the annual Escape Carson High Zombie Run from 6-8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 23. This event is open to the public. For this event participants try to make it through a course that covers most the CHS campus without losing their tags to zombies waiting along the mile route. Individuals are $10 and teams of five are $40. There will be raffle prizes as well as awards for the best team. Runners must be at least 12 (sixth grade and above) to participate in the run. One dollar donations are going to be accepted for anyone who just wants to watch the chase. For more information, contact Patrick Mobley at Pre-registration is not required.


Winter sport signups will take place from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Monday in the North Foyer. New students need to complete the online Athletic Registration form. Returning students will be able to pick up the Returning Athlete paperwork in the Athletic Office. See the Athletic Office for more information.


The monthly meeting of the Future Business Leaders of America will be on at lunch on Tuesday in Mrs. Golik’s room. All members are required to dress professionally and attend the meeting. New members are always welcome. Contact Mrs. Golik for more information.


There’s still time to join your classmates on the CHS trip to the 2017 Presidential Inauguration in Washington, D.C. The deadline for this trip is Oct. 25. Sign up today online at (use the Trip ID #124149), or call the WorldStrides customer service team at 800-468-5899. For more information about this trip, contact the advisor/chaperone Angila Golik at


The Carson High School’s Holiday Craft Fair will be Nov. 20-21 at CHS. There will be a parent volunteer meeting on Monday, Oct. 19 in the lower cafeteria area of Senator Square at 6:30 p.m.

Please plan on attending, scholarship applications will be available at that time, and volunteers are needed. Adult volunteers are needed for this year’s event in addition to the student groups/clubs. Your volunteer hours not only help make this event a success, but it could assist with your child’s college fund. Last year, the Craft Fair Committee awarded seven $500 scholarships to graduating seniors who, along with their parent(s), volunteered to assist at the craft fair. We intend to continue with these scholarships again this year — with 4-8 more this year, depending on the craft fair profits. Part of the criteria to qualify is service to the craft fair for the student applying for the scholarship as well as volunteer hours served by one or both parent(s)/guardian(s). You will be volunteering your time only — all students will need to serve either on Friday from 2-4 p.m. or Saturday from 4-6 p.m. assisting with loading and unloading the crafters. They receive stipends for their clubs for their assistance, and could qualify for the senior scholarship if they are graduating seniors in 2016. For more information, attend the informational meeting on Oct. 19.


The American Sign Language Level III and IV students performed at lunch on Oct. 1 signing various songs to the student body as a way to contribute and show respect for the hearing impaired population in society as a part of our Week of Respect at Carson High. Mary Anne Weaver is the ASL educator at Carson High.


This week’s student of the week is Annette Avila. Annette is a hard-working and focused student who pays attention to detail and puts in extra time and effort to make sure she always produces amazing work. Thanks Annette for all your hard work at Carson High!


The Senior Spotlight this week is Fabiola Mata-Garcia. As a student at Carson High School Fabiola has taken both Honors and AP classes during her freshman, sophomore and junior years, while maintaining a 4.5 weighted GPA. As a senior, she’s also enrolled in 4 AP classes and 1 Honors course. While a student at CHS, Fabiola has been involved in the New Entrepreneur Club, Link Crew and the National Honor Society. Out of school she serves as a Religious Aide at her church. She plans on attending Western Nevada College in the fall and later attend the University of Nevada-Reno. Fabiola’s goals include working in the field of Public Administration. Carson High is proud of her accomplishments and we know Fabiola has the determination, skills and enthusiasm to be a success in her future endeavors.

Angila Golik is a government teacher at CHS and a member of Senator Pride.


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