Carson High School government teacher Angilia Golik is attending the Supreme Court Summer Institute in Washington D.C. She is one of 60 teachers across the nation selected to participate.
This week is the official Nevada Week of Respect. The purpose of this week is to promote respect as an antidote to bullying and cyber bullying. Here’s what is going on at CHS to celebrate the Week of Respect:
The American Sign Language club is going to be signing songs at lunch on Thursday
The Gay-Straight Alliance is going to be putting up a respect wall — a giant poster for people to write what they respect about someone else
There will be a daily announcement with a tip on being an upstanding young adult
English teachers are doing writing assignments around respect
Freshman Transitions teachers are talking about bullying in their classes and cyber bullying in particular
We are going to “get our blue on” on Friday, asking everyone to wear blue to demonstrate CHS as a bully-free zone
Carson High Speech and Debate competed in the first tournament of the season at Damonte Ranch. Twenty members of CHS debate were among the 472 entries in the tournament.
Both new members and returning veterans had success at this first meet. Nathan Mersino, competing in his first tournament, placed sixth in novice Lincoln Douglas speaking points, debating whether teens ought to have the right to make autonomous medical decisions. Captain Bailee Barber placed fifth in senior Lincoln Douglas speaking points. Captain Sawyer Barnett placed sixth in senior Lincoln Douglas speaker points, fourth in Senior Original Oratory with his piece on gender equality, and third overall in senior Lincoln Douglas.
First time competitor Evan Cherpeski placed sixth in novice Impromptu, and second overall in novice Lincoln Douglas Debate. Duy Khanh Nguyen won the support of his judges and peers to take first place in novice Congressional Debate, moving him into senior division. Sadie Share was elected presiding officer of her senior Congressional Debate chamber and moved on to win first place in her room as well. Assistant Captain Shane Morton placed first overall in senior Humorous Interpretation with his piece titled “Sesame, Life on the Street.” The team looks to roll off this early success into a busy few months.
The next tournament will be held Oct. 15 and 16 at Churchill County High School. Carson debaters will also be competing in the Poetry Out Loud competition, and will host the second Escape Carson High Zombie run Oct. 23 at CHS.
The CHS Volleyball team will be collecting pairs of shoes through Oct. 9. Shoes can be in any shape, size, and condition. Anything will be collected including slippers, flip flops, runners, or boots. Any donations can be sent to Erin Been at the high school or dropped off in the athletic office.
Caner Awareness Month
October is Cancer Awareness Month. In order to increase awareness and raise money for those battling cancer here in Carson City, staff and students are going to be wearing pink jerseys on Mondays. Also the Oct. 2 football game vs. Damonte will be a pink-out. Get your pink jersey from the student store or from Erin Been now. Sizes and quantities are limited. Cost is $12.
Orders for the 2016 Carneta yearbook will be taken every Friday during lunch in the north foyer. Place your order for your book of irreplaceable memories.
How about saving $25? You can do that by ordering your buddy ad page for the 2016 Carneta yearbook by Sept. 30.
Buy an ad for the Carneta celebrating your time at CHS and save $25 on your order. What could be better? But you have to order your page during September to take advantage of this great sale. Contact Patt Quinn-Davis at 775-283-1910 for more information.
National Honor Society
National Honor Society is hosting a blood drive on Oct. 1 in the small gym. The sign-up sheet is posted outside Room 227. Community members are welcome to donate as well, and you can email to sign up for a time. Find the hero in you, sign up to donate and save three lives.
Sign ups will be held Monday, Oct. 12, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. in the north foyer. Returning athletes for 2015-2016 can pick up a form from the Athletic office or winter sport coaches beginning Monday, Oct. 5. The online registration form for new athletes only must be completed by parent(s)/guardian(s) with the student present. The form should be viewed and discussed with the student athlete. Click on the link “District’s Athletic Registration Page” and scroll to bottom of page to the large black box. Complete and print the athletic form. CHS students must be cleared by the library and finance before turning in their sports packet; they’re not going to be approved until they are cleared. Deadline for sign ups will be Monday, Nov. 5.
For further information, please contact the Athletic Department at 775-283-1900.
Witness history come alive before your eyes! When you visit the nation’s capital during Presidential Inauguration, you become a part of American history. Whether seeing the president take the Oath of Office or participating in your own Inaugural Dance, a trip to D.C. during the 2017 Presidential Inauguration is a journey you and your friends will remember for years to come!
Come to a parent information meeting on Thursday, Oct. 1 in Senator Square at 6:30 p.m. See Mrs. Golik in Room 243 for more information.
Representatives from Duke, Georgetown, Harvard, Penn and Stanford will be conducting a student and parent information session on Sunday, Sept. 27 at 7:30 p.m. at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center. More information is available in the Guidance Office.
This week’s student of the week is Caroline Gabica. Caroline is both the basketball and football team manager, involved in Student Council and National Honor Society. Caroline always goes out of her way to make everyone feel welcome. Thanks, Caroline, for all your hard work at Carson High.
This week’s spotlight is on senior Ethan Lopes. Ethan currently has a 4.8 weighted grade-point average and is earning straight As in his course load, which includes five AP courses. Ethan is a busy young man. Not only does he have to keep up with his rigorous schoolwork, he’s also involved in activities both in as well as out of school. Ethan has held offices in the National Honor Society, Chess Club and Robotics Club. He’s also the cocaptain of the Carson High School Cross Country team.
Ethan is a talented violinist.
Playing from the age of three, Ethan has been a member of the Carson High School String Orchestra, the NMEA All-State Orchestra, and Strazz, a string jazz group, as well as playing with the Reno Philharmonic Youth Symphony Orchestra.
Ethan’s out-of-school activities include astronomical research for the RECON and Muon projects.
Ethan enjoys running, often competing in local 5K runs. Ethan is still narrowing his college list, but his list of prospects include Stanford, Carlton, Swarthmore, Whitman, Amherst and Williams. Ethan plans to earn his PhD in Astronomy and Planetary Geology.
We at Carson High School are extremely proud of Ethan and can’t wait to see what he does next!
Angila Golik is a government teacher at CHS and a member of Senator Pride.