Karen Beglin, pink golf shirt, won first place at the Drive Chip & Putt Sub-Regional qualifier recently in Sacramento.
RENO — Single-game tickets for Nevada football are currently on sale.
Tickets can be purchased three ways — on line at NevadaWolfPack.com, over the phone at (775) 348-PACK, and in-person at the Lawlor Events Center Ticket Office, which is open weekdays from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m.
Featured this year are six home games at a newly renovated Mackay Stadium featuring a stadium club, upgraded seating options, a new state-of-the-art videoboard and sound system. The 2016 season will also represent the 50th anniversary of the opening of Mackay Stadium and the Wolf Pack will be celebrating the great history and moments of the stadium throughout the season.
The Pack opens the new-look Mackay on Friday, Sept. 2 by playing host to Cal Poly at 6:30 p.m. On Sept. 17, Nevada welcomes Buffalo to Mackay. Mountain West games come to Mackay on Oct. 8 when rival Fresno State makes the trip to Reno looking for revenge from Nevada’s win in Fresno last year. Homecoming this year is set for Oct. 22 as Nevada welcomes Wyoming into Mackay Stadium.
Single-game tickets start as low as $22, with discounts available for children and groups. The best way to watch all the action at Mackay Stadium this year is with season tickets, which start at just $99.
Bighorns slate dance team auditions
RENO — The Reno Bighorns have announced they will hold open auditions for the 2016-17 Lady Bighorns Dance Team on Sept. 10 at 11 a.m. at Caughlin Athletic Club.
The Bighorns will hold two pre-audition workshops on Aug. 13 and Aug. 20 from noon to 1:30 p.m. each day at Caughlin Athletic Club. The workshop will act as a mock audition and will feature the choreography style that will be taught at auditions. Participants are asked to come with full performance hair and makeup as well as an audition outfit to get individual feedback on appearance and performance. The cost for the workshop is $40 — any participant who partakes will have the regular audition fee waived.
The cost for tryouts is $25.
Registration information for the pre-audition workshop and auditions can be found at www.renobighorns.com.
Beglin qualifies for regional event
Karen Beglin won first place at the Drive Chip & Putt Sub-Regional qualifier recently in Sacramento.
Beglin, who won an area event during the Barracuda Championship at Montreux, advances to compete at the regional qualifier on Sept. 10th at the Olympic Club in San Francisco.
On August 3 Karen and her sister Jill (who will be a sophomore at CHS) will be playing in the NNJGA Tournament of Champions at Dayton Valley CC. This is an invitational for anyone who has won first place in at least one tournament on the summer tour.
Genoa hosting charity tourney
The 7th annual Carson Valley Medical Center Fall Classic Golf tournament is set for Sept. 16 at Genoa Lakes at 9 a.m.
The cost is $150 for an individual and $550 per foursome. There are sponsorships available. For more information, go to cvmchospital.org/golf or call 782-1697.
Special rate at Empire
There’s no senior golf at Empire Ranch today, so all day green fees have been reduced to $30, including cart. Golfers also get a $5 coupon to be used toward food in the restaurant.
For more information, go to EmpireRanchGolf.com or call 885-2100.
• Dennis Joseph, Bill Milligan and Gene Gaston both had 45s in Flight A at the recent Senior Men’s Club event at Empire. The format was Stableford.
Tom Sawyer took first in Flight B with 49 points, five better than Skip Yokota and six better than Dennis Justin and Albert Giannotti. Rene Ojeda won Flight C with 45 points, one better than Jack Medeiros and three ahead of Joe O’Brien. Al Vernon won Flight D with 46, one ahead of Marshall McCurdy and Dan Rodgers.
Justin, Ojeda and Mike Logue won closest to the hole winners.
Poe group wins at Carson Valley
Charles Poe, Ron Fukuyama and John Watson combined for a net 84 to win the Carson Valley Men’s Club cha-cha-cha event on July 24.
Darryl Lewis, Larry Rutledge and John Carey were second with a 93, and Bob Pemberton, Matt Budjako and Bob Van Nort were third with a 94. Marc Prause won both closest to the hole.
Cooke, Johnson win at Dayton Valley
Patty Cooke won Flight 1 low gross (43) and Denise Johnson won low net (36) at the recent Dayton Valley Women’s Club event. The format was a 9-hole game.
Lois Lee won low gross in Flight 2 with a 47 and Carli Vandervort won low net with a 36. Mary Epperson won Flight 3 low gross with a 54, while Cathy Kulm and Carol Merchant tied for low net with 39s. Bernadette Wyatt won low gross in Flight 4 with a 52 and Jean Ely had a 36 for low net.
Annual Stroke to Help golf tournament planned
An annual golf tournament in support of breast cancer awareness and mammograms, scholarships, school supplies and other charitable causes is returning to Silver Oak Golf Course on Aug. 27.
Soroptimist International of Carson City’s 15th Annual Stroke to Help Golf Tournament will begin at 8 a.m. with a shotgun start.
The four-person California scramble costs $100 per player. The fee includes a continental breakfast, lunch, green fees and cart.
Sponsorship opportunities are available. Checks can be made payable to SICC, P.O. Box 794, Carson City, 89702.
For registration forms, go to www.sicarsoncity.org. For more information, call Dixie Busch at 775-882-3051 or Mary Luster at 775-220-9630.
Annual SYFL golf tournament Sept. 18
The 6th annual Carson SYFL Golf Tournament will return to Empire Ranch Golf Course on Sept. 18.
The tournament, whose shotgun start will be at 1 p.m., will be followed by dinner and a raffle. The cost is $75 per person or $280 per team of four.
Forms can be downloaded at www.carsonsyfl.org and mailed with payment to P.O. Box 3436, Carson City, 89702. Checks can be made payable to Carson SYFL.
For more information, call Christa at 775-720-6024.
Kiwanis golf event set for Sept. 17
The annual Kiwanis of Carson City Fight Pancreatic Cancer Golf Tournament is scheduled for Sept. 17 at Empire Ranch.
There are six divisions for golf — men’s, women’s mixed, mixed 55 and over, men 55 and over and women 55 and over. The cost is $75 per player. One quarter of the entry fee goes toward the Kiwanis’ scholarship fund and the other 75 percent is donated to the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.
Also on tap that day are a 5k, 10k and fun run. The cost is $30 for early registration and $35 the day of the event. Kids under 12 are $10. There’s also a bench press contest, and the cost is $10 for three lifts.
For more information, contact Stevan Lyon at 224-5798 or Robey Willis at RobeyBarb@sbcglobal.net.