Patrons read newspapers and magazines at the Carson City Library in a file photo from April 2015. The library is looking for new donors to sponsor subscriptions to periodicals.
In an effort to make the latest information available to patrons, the Carson City Library is looking for donors to sponsor subscriptions to a variety of newspapers and magazines.
“We haven’t had new sponsors in about 15 years,” said Amy Lauder, collections development manager for the library. “Our current sponsors are great, we just need more.”
Donors can choose which magazine or newspaper they’d like to sponsor or have their donation go toward a publication that’s not yet sponsored.
The periodical adoption program allows people to buy a yearly subscription to a periodical that’s available for reading at the library. A placard will display the name of the individual, group or business funding the subscription. Magazines are available in a variety of genres, including categorization by children, teen and adult.
“We have some people who sponsor specific magazines that appeal to their customers,” said Rachel March, senior library assistant.
Patrons read the periodicals in the designated area in the upstairs portion of the library. Older issues may be checked out and taken home. And, a new digital addition is coming soon.
“We have a nice seating area where people can just sit down and read,” Lauder said.
“Trying to keep up with all the newspapers and magazines can be expensive,” March said. “If a patron was to subscribe to all of the periodicals that we have available, it would be exorbitantly expensive. It’s also nice for parents so they don’t have to subscribe to 10 different magazines.”
March said the newspapers and magazines are popular with adults as well as with younger audiences. “We see people come on a weekly or even daily basis to read them,” she said. “There are kids who like to read them just for fun, and that’s OK, too.”
She said annual subscriptions can range from as low as $15 into hundreds of dollars, with most of them falling between $20-$40.
Anyone interested in sponsoring a periodical should contact March at (775) 283-7588 or