Past Pages for Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2016

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150 years ago

Unoccupied houses and vagabond Indians: It is the opinion of at least one of our night watchmen, and many of our citizens, that two-thirds of the fires which occur in Carson are caused by the Indians who take nightly possession of vacant buildings for the purpose of gambling and sleeping. Several houses have been burned which were known to have been frequented at night. Until something is done to remedy the evil complained of, no one should censure the police.

130 years ago

The present corps of school teachers now engaged in this county are faithful and efficient. Let the people see that they remain where they are.

100 years ago

Old lake goes dry: For the first time in history MacCormac Lake, situated just below the camp of Groome, is a lake in name only. Stockmen who recently visited the district report the lake dry and a giant fissure, between 40 and 50 feet in width, has opened along the bed (Silver State).

70 years ago

For a while today it looked as if nobody in Clark County was going to vote in the forthcoming primary election. Officials at the Secretary of State’s office said today that the Clark County Clerk had excitedly phoned this morning and reported that the consignment of ballots was mutilated and unusable. More ballots are in the mail today.

50 years ago

Ed Evans romped home with the Appeal Trophy last night in 13.90 for the fastest time for supers at the T-Car track races. Winner of the fast stocked was Don Owens in 15.77 and for mods, Bud Sherwood at 14.76.

30 years ago

Fugitive U.S. Senate candidate Manny Beals said Wednesday that his life has been threatened and he has been tailed in recent days by a car that ran his vehicle off the road. A Democrat, Beals fled Nevada last week after a warrant was issued for his arrest.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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