Past Pages for Thursday, Aug. 18, 2016

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150 years ago

The weather continues sultry in spite of diverse and sundry clouds, which threaten rain to but little purpose. The clerk of the weather seems to be undecided — in fact disposed to vacillate. We can assure that durians showers would not be grumbled by “we uns.”

130 years ago

The Governor’s bad break: He refuses to meet General Logan and Gov. Alger. Two leading members of the G.A.R. Snubbed. The refusal of our Chief Executive to meet Gen. Logan of Illinois and Gov. Alger of Michigan has caused great excitement in this city, and in no quarter more than in the ranks of the Democrats. Committeemen realize this has been a gross breach of etiquette by Gov. Adams.

100 years ago

Victor Barron, a Mexican convict at the state prison, was shot and mortally wounded this morning while attempting to escape from the bullpen, in the southeast corner of the prison yard. Guard Ed Golightly saw Barron climbing up the stone wall and called to Bill Clark, who fired a shot over his head to scare him. The first shot attracted the attention of all guards and in a short time six shots were fired.

70 years ago

An impressive V-J anniversary presentation ceremony will be held on the Capitol grounds at which time Rear Admiral Francis W. Rockwell, 12th naval district, San Francisco, will present the battle flag of the USS Nevada to the people of the state.

50 years ago

Sierra Pacific Power Co. broke ground Sunday for a steam-electric generating plant on the Bolster ranch near Yerington. The plant, with a capacity of 110,000 kilowatts of power, is expected to be finished in the fall of 1968.

30 years ago

On a spring afternoon in 1914, Eleanor Siebert, the 10-year-old niece of Nevada Gov. Tasker Oddie, slammed a champagne bottle against the hull of the USS Nevada and christened her the most powerful ship in the U.S. Navy. This Saturday in Groton, Conn. the rebirth of the USS Nevada takes place, a 560-foot trident submarine.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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