The Popcorn Stand: Every dog should have its day — as mayor

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Now this is an idea I can get into. I’ve always said the world’s going to the dogs, so we might as well let the dogs run the place before we humans mess it up completely.

Those who bother to read this Popcorn Stand know my love of dogs. So in my book, Cormorant, Minn., has got it right. For the third time — that’s right third time no term limits here — Duke, a 9-year-old Great Pyrenees has been elected mayor of the town. In a landslide.

He received every vote except one — which went to his girlfriend — and apparently this has not hurt the couple’s relationship. So Duke obviously sticks up for family values.

The job doesn’t seem to be too stressful as a Huffington Post report ( seems to show. Obviously the position looks to be symbolic as the dog’s responsibilities seem to just consist of posing on three billboards promoting the town.

But if it’s good enough for Cormorant, I say it’s good enough for Carson City. Let’s have a “your dog could be the mayor of Carson City for a day” contest.

Dog owners can campaign for their dogs on why they should be the mayor and people could vote online. Maybe there could even be a debate. The dog owners could make promises they couldn’t keep like “my dog would never pee on anyone’s feet.”

After all, every dog (or at least one) should have their day (as mayor).

— Charles Whisnand