Lts. Mark and Leslie Cyr Corps Officers The Salvation Army honor Supervisor Lori Bagwell. Bagwell was named volunteer of the year on Friday.
From its beginning, The Salvation Army has relied heavily on volunteers who support its programs. Often referred to as “the army behind The Army,” volunteers play a crucial role in The Salvation Army’s ability to provide quality services for those in need throughout Carson City, Douglas County and the surrounding areas.
This year, when they fell short of volunteers, Supervisor Lori Bagwell stepped up and helped recruit a small army to work in their Christmas Warehouse.
“You’re kind of a big deal” said Lt. Mark Cyr, officer in charge of the local Salvation Army, as he handed the Supervisor her certificate and a giant mug that said the same thing at Friday’s Volunteer Appreciation Dinner at the local Salvation Army.
“We had a need for volunteers and then we needed leadership in the warehouse and Lori stepped in and filled those needs without any hesitation,” he went on to say.
More than 40 volunteers were honored Friday.
Supervisor Bagwell made a point to remind everyone of them that they all “are a big deal.”
Lt. Cyr was in agreement.
“Volunteers give what in today’s economy is our most valued resource. They give their time, and they give it freely,” Lt. Cyr said. He closed the evening with a scripture from Acts 20:35, “In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”
The Salvation Army serving Carson City and Douglas County served more than 2,200 families this holiday season with both Thanksgiving and Christmas meals and toys for children and gifts for shut in seniors as well.
For more information visit or contact Christie Contreras at 775-887-9120 ext 101.