A piece of history that supports downtown redevelopment this year is available for up to $1,400 an item in the form of benches or bicycle racks, the Carson City Chamber of Commerce announced Tuesday.
A piece of history that supports downtown redevelopment this year is available for up to $1,400 an item in the form of benches or bicycle racks, the Carson City Chamber of Commerce announced Tuesday.
Businesses, organizations, families and those wishing to honor a loved one can provide $1,400 for one of 24 benches or $500 each for a dozen bike racks to be purchased by Muscle Powered.
“Metal benches and bicycle racks to be placed strategically along Carson and Curry streets are available for purchase,” according to a news release from Ronni Hannaman, executive director of the chamber.
Those interested may contact the chamber at 882-1565 or Jeff Potter of Muscle Powered at 315-2619, according to Hannaman. Her release set the closing date as Jan. 29. Checks or cash must be submitted by then to place an order.
On the same day as the release, City Manager Nick Marano told a Carson City Rotary luncheon audience money raised via benches could be paired with grants to seek public art. Marano, who’s joining Rotary, suggested Rotarians could buy a bench.
The chamber release, meanwhile, noted the items technically will be owned and maintained by city government, but “will be a symbol of pride and support” for those buying such pieces of history, and each will bear a naming plaque.