Past Pages for Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2015

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150 Years Ago

Scrimmage. There was a wrangle that ended in a fist and scull fight. One of the parties had a piece of his ear bitten off. The other received a severe mangling about the head and breadbasket. The Appeal infers that neither of the people would derive lasting pleasure from seeing his name in connection with this story. We refrain from giving them such equivocal registry.

130 Years Ago

House servants. The idea is gaining that the Chinese must leave Carson by April 1. The class now most strenuously objecting are housewives who have utilized the Chinese as servants so long that they dislike very much to part with them.

110 Years Ago

Former Governor Reinhold Sadler dead. He was a native of Russia-Poland and was 59 years of age. He came to this country when a boy and located in Virginia City where he and his brother conducted a mercantile business, later moving to Austin and then Eureka where he conducted business until retiring and entering the political field. In 1894 he was elected Lieutenant Governor and upon the death of Gov. John E. Jones, became acting governor. He was nominated by the Silver Party and returned to the office as Governor. In 1902 he retired and when attending to business in the eastern part of the state was stricken with pneumonia. He leaves a wife, daughter, three sons (youngest 14). The sympathy of the entire state is extended to the family.

70 Years Ago

Advertisement. “Carson Theatre — ‘Story of G. I. Joe,’ The true story of every woman’s fighting man, with Burgess Meredith and Robert Mitchum.”

Girl Scout activities — Miss Hope van der Smissen, assistant leader of Girl Scout troop No. 3, entertained members of the group at the children’s home. The group enjoyed an invigorating swim at Carson Hot Springs with a cookout. After all the food was prepared, all the girls sat down on one side of the elegantly prepared table. The table suddenly tipped over with all the uneaten food sliding to the floor. The Girls Scouts went home hungry.

50 Years Ago

Photo caption. Carson officials visit park — Carson City Mayor James Robert and State Park Commissioner Phil Roventini joined Gov. Grant Sawyer in the inspection of Valley of Fire State Park. The park is located north of Las Vegas. Shown with the three officials is Sam Boyd. The group inspected the location of “The Professionals,” which will use the park for outdoor shots. The movies includes Burt Lancaster, Lee Marvin, Robert Ryan, and Jack Palance.

20 Years Ago

Missing grave site. The cremated remains of the late Carson City resident Chester “Ike” Cochran are missing. A family friend wanted to bury the ashes of his daughter, Donna, and wife, Rose, with him at Lone Mountain Cemetery. Once the grave is found, both the Masons and Parks and Recreation administration have agreed to help pay for the ashes.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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