Letters to the editor for Friday, Jan. 29, 2016

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Was it love at first sight? Did he repeatedly ask you out? Share your stories of love and the Nevada Appeal will publish them on Valentine’s Day. Submissions, 250 words or less, can be emailed to editor@nevadaappeal.com with the subject line “Love Stories,” or faxed to 775-887-2420, or mailed to the Nevada Appeal, 580 Mallory Way, Carson City NV 89701. Include photos if you have them. Deadline for submissions is 5 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 10.

Cost to use MAC is too high

When my neighbor and I read about MAC opening we were thrilled. We were looking forward to having a safe place to walk — we can’t spend time in the sun, and walking on the cement floors in the mall is too painful on feet that have seen too many surgeries.

However, we were dismayed to find out there is a charge just to walk, $3 for seniors (I’m 78) or a bit less if you buy a punch card. We are on a fixed income and it didn’t occur to us there would be a charge.

If you want to go a few times a week, it can add up to quite a bit. We’re happy the kids have this wonderful facility to have their games and such, they need a good safe place to go, however, not all of them have money to pay for the privilege, either.

I’m happy to see disabled vets can get in free, they certainly deserve it.

Just sayin’.

Dotty Lewis

Carson City


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