Letters to the editor for Friday, July 15, 2016

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Ban backpacks from movie theaters

I would like it stated that I fully agree with the letter submitted by Steve Isaacson suggesting that backpacks be banned from movie theaters. In this particular case, I am very concerned that there is such a lack of security, and a lack of training of staff as to how they can handle this situation. After reading Mr. Isaacson’s concerns, and attempts to have his concerns addressed, wouldn’t it be warranted to have the theaters checked out for the safety of the next movie goers?

Given the recent events in the United States, I personally am much more aware of my surroundings, and have a plan in place if I feel there may be a threatening or dangerous situation. In this case, I would not have any idea of the potential danger that might have been left behind. As Mr. Isaacson said, I too hope that the powers that be will establish a no backpack policy in their theaters for everyone’s safety.

Cathy Freitas

Carson City