Carson High School senior Leslie Villanueva, Logan Lobsinger, 5, and Betsy Campbell Richards, 8, would like to invite any and all fathers-daughters to the 2nd annual Father-Daughter Dance on April 8 at Carson High School.
Carson High School clubs are hosting the second annual father-daughter dance April 8.
The dance is for fathers and daughters of all ages in Carson City to come and have a special bonding event.
“We’ve had daughters as old 40 and as young as 18 months,” said coordinator Angila Golik. “It is fun and it is a special night for fathers and daughters to reinforce their special bond.”
The theme this year is “Once Upon a Time Enchanted Forest Ball” and the dance is going to have a host of fairies, food, drink and a professional photographer for attendees. The ball is being put on as a fundraiser for four CHS clubs: Skills USA, the Future Business Leaders of America, Leadership and the Culinary Club who are all going to work the event. All money raised during the dance will be split between the clubs.
The dance is a community wide event and allows fathers and daughters to have a special night, Golik said.
“The father-daughter dance has been a tradition for generations for communities all over the world and we saw it as an opportunity to teach young girls the importance of being treated properly and going on a special date to reinforce those male bonds in their lives,” Golik said.
Anyone is welcome to attend the dance, and no one is going to be turned away, Golik said.
The dance will be held at CHS from 6-9 p.m. Tickets are $30 per couple and $10 for each additional daughter. Tickets will be available until the day of the dance or until they sell out. The professional photos will also be available for purchase for $10 per sheet or digital copy.
For questions or concerns, email Angila Golik at