Nevada Appeal at 150: Honoring mothers lost while giving life

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Mother’s Day is being observed generally over the union and this state and city is not lagging in the observance. There is more excuse for Mother’s Day than many of the other days that are being used for celebrations and thankfulness, as the calendar is crowded full of such affairs that take up a lot of time and result in the promotion of ideals that are more or less mythical.

In designating and observing Mother’s Day there is at least respect shown to the women of our nation. Men, women and children are giving time and attention to the day while science is asking that something more be done than just offering congratulations.

The great hospitals, the leading scientists and the surgeons of the world are asking that better provision be made for mothers. It is shown that up to 16,000 mothers die each year so that the race may continue. It is this that promotes the general observance and calls for steps to be taken to cut down this mortality.

In observing Mother’s Day there is a pleasure offered to men and women grown to each other; there is an added pleasure when sons and daughters remember the day and by indications of gifts or word reach the heart of those who gave so much that the generations have grown in usefulness.

In this city and state Mother’s Day has become a fixture and a feature as it is noted that societies, individuals and congregations are doing their share to make the day one of outstanding merit.

This continues the Appeal’s review of news stories and headlines during its Sesquicentennial year.


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