Tickets available for Genoa festival

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Tickets are still available for the first annual It Takes a Village Music Festival in Genoa 2-7:30 p.m. today at Mormon Station State Historic Park.

Half the proceeds from ticket sales will go to the Family Support Council.

Dougie L. from the National Sinatra competition will sing the Great American Song Book, while Motown era music will be performed by Gruve Nation. Beginning at 5:15 p.m. on the Grand Stage will be Rocketman, portraying Elton John.

Festival food will be a sweet and spicy barbecue rib dish and barbecued beef kabobs served by Genoa Station Grill. Come as an obvious icon of the ’70s and enter the celebrity costume contest — winner gets $250 cash. The Greater Genoa Business Association and several local sponsors are the hosts. VIP seating is $38 and general admission tickets are $28. The Genoa Bar is hosting a beer, wine and rum runner bar. Buy tickets online at, or cash/check tickets at the Family Support Council, Genoa Bar, Pink House, and Sweet Repeats in Genoa.