The Carson City Fire Department and Sheriff's Office Honor Guard ring the bell next to the Twin Towers I-beam Sunday morning. Each ring symbolizes each tragic event of Sept. 11.
Locals marked the 15th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, Sunday morning at the Carson City 9/11 Memorial.
Officials and citizens gathered in Mills Park to pay respect to those first responders and civilians that perished that day.
“Today we pray for the families and friends of those who died that day and show our deep appreciation and gratitude for the sacrifice of those first responders who died or were injured helping others,” said Mayor Bob Crowell.
“Today as we stand before this monument let us remember that this is more than just a steel I-Beam, it is a reminder that people — good people — people who meant no harm to anyone, people who were going about their every day jobs, people who were looking forward to going home that evening to be with their families and friends, may have stood near this very girder but are now gone and their families and friends left with only memories.”
Dozens gathered at the park, many donning American flag memorabilia.
The ceremony consisted of a presentation of the colors by the Carson City Fire Department and Sheriff’s Office Honor Guard, the National Anthem and a moment of silence for the fallen victims. The Honor Guard also rang a silver bell, located next to the I-beam six times, each to represent the tragic events of Sept. 11.
“We have the privilege of having a symbol here of something you can touch and recall from that day,” said Sheriff Ken Furlong. “The world changed in an instant and the our way of life changed with it.”
More than 3,000 civilians and 400 first responders — including firefighters, New York Police officers and Port Authority officers — died that day. And Furlong said every single one of them, civilian and first responders, emerged as heroes that day.
“These heroes pass, but they are never forgotten,” Furlong said. “That day, America stood tall, there was no black, there was no white, there were just Americans.”
“As long as we remember those heroes, they will never pass.”
Many of the speakers agreed that it is important, still 15 years later, to remember all of the sacrifices that were made that day.
“By marking the anniversary of 9/11 in our community, we are playing an important role in memorializing those who were killed, honoring the sacrifices of the first responders, and recapturing the spirit of service and community that emerged in the aftermath of 9/11,” said Deputy Fire Chief Bob Charles.
Crowell said it also is important as a country to stay strong against foreign enemies.
“Today as we gather before this monument let those who would do us harm know that while we may mourn our dead and cry for our wounded we will never tire of defending our country and the way of life we enjoy in the greatest country on earth,” Crowell said. “... Today we remind ourselves and pass on to generations to come that freedom is not free, that there are those in this world who would do us harm, that vigilance is not a luxury but a necessity.”
Charles also said when remembering that day, it is important to stand together as Americans, especially in a time when the population is quite divided.
“As time passes, let us reflect less on those things that divide us and more on those things that connect us,” Charles said. “The citizens, our first responders at every level and our community leaders here today represent our community and represent our common humanity. Today we stand united, once again to say ‘we will never forget.’ Never forget how we felt this very day 15 years ago.
“Today we remember, today we honor those who sacrificed and those who rose in service,” Charles said. “Today we stand in unity, today we stand in service and today we stand as a community. Thank you all for coming today and helping all of us remember, helping us honor our own and to never forget.”