A Carson City deputy stands guard during a search warrant execution Sunday evening. Authorities were searching for evidence in relation to a gang-related murder in Yuba City, Calif. several weeks ago.
Street Vibrations weekend ended with two warrant services on a Carson City residence and business for evidence in an alleged gang-related murder.
The Carson City Sheriff’s Office, Douglas County Sheriff’s Office and Lyon County Sheriff’s Office Gang Units, and Tri-Net conducted two search warrants for property related to a shooting several weeks ago in Yuba City, Calif. It is suspected that the shooting was a gang killing, possible involving the motorcycle gang, the Hell’s Angels, law enforcement officials said.
Sunday morning, the Sheriff’s Office received search warrants to look for property related to the shooting at the Roop Street Tanglewood Village apartments and at the Highway 50 Nautical Motorcycles. There also was a simultaneous search done in Yuba City by the SWAT there.
“This residence and business were identified as connected to persons sought, but at this time there are no active warrants,” Carson City Sheriff Ken Furlong said.
Furlong said officers did not arrest anyone at either Carson City location, and were not expecting to as it was a search, not an arrest, warrant.
The Nautical Motorcycles business was empty at the time, so only investigators were present, however, because the residence was the second search location, the Sheriff’s Office utilized a tactical response in order to keep everyone around the apartment safe.
“The challenge was ... we were around residences with families and children so more resources were used here because of that challenge,” Furlong said.
Officials breached both locations in Carson City.
The investigation is still ongoing both in Carson City and Yuba City, and the gang units in both counties are working together on the investigation.
Officials could not disclose what property they were looking for, however, they said a vehicle also was going to be impounded for investigation.