Carson City supervisors debate vicious dog ordinance

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The Carson City Board of Supervisors voted on several ordinances Thursday.

An ordinance for vicious dogs, which adds the concept of harm to other domestic animals and not just humans, was approved on a 3-2 vote, with Supervisors John Barrette and Brad Bonkowski voting no.

But the vote was later rescinded with plans to reschedule it because the draft ordinance online and in the supervisors’ packets was an older version before changes were made after first reading.

The ordinance also establishes the procedure for determining a dog is dangerous or vicious, which follows definitions in Nevada Revised Statutes, and the process once that determination is made.

Barrette said he couldn’t vote in favor because he thought the process for dealing with dangerous dogs could, in the worst case scenario, result in a dog being euthanized without ever having caused physical harm to anyone.

Supervisor Lori Bagwell said the process involves experts such as animal services and law enforcement who help to assess the dog as well as the courts.

“It is a very good process. While it’s not perfect we do trust the judges can make that determination and there is appeal,” said Iris Yowell, deputy district attorney.

The supervisors also heard on first reading an ordinance making changes to the liquor code, including allowing for review of liquor licenses by a hearings officer and for the sale of liquor in public rights-of-way for which a business has an encroachment permit to use.

The board unanimously approved an ordinance to create a new zoning district called General Industrial Airport (GIA) and amending General Industrial (GI) to disallow illegal activities under federal law on parcels adjacent to the Carson City Airport.

Another unanimously passed ordinance changed some parcels near the airport to GIA and GI.

The supervisors discussed some concern the newly zoned parcels not bordering the airport could be used for marijuana cultivation or production.

Nick Marano, Carson City manager, said during an update on the Legislature the city will likely be able to control recreational marijuana establishments through zoning.

He also said he thought Assembly Bill 43, the bill to place a floor on the property tax, wasn’t going to make it out of committee and Assembly Bill 140 to change the line between Washoe County and Carson City to move 22 parcels in Duck Hill into the capital was up in the air.

Marano said Senate Bill 487 would impose a 15 percent excise tax on recreational, or retail, marijuana at the point of sale. Of that, 5 percent would go to the local entity. Carson City would also collect its 2.25 percent share of the sales tax on it.

The Legislature is consumed with marijuana-related bills, said Wes Henderson, executive director, Nevada League of Cities, who made a brief presentation on bills.

“I’m spending 60 percent of my time on marijuana,” said Henderson, who quickly added, “Let me rephrase that.”

The board also accepted the Cultural Commission’s 2016/17 Annual Report and approved its 2017/18 Work Plan, presented by Mark Salinas, arts and culture coordinator.

The board also approved $26,000 to Public Works to redo the Blue Line historic tour sidewalk marker and $10,000 to the Carson City Visitors Bureau for the Reimagine Space public art program.

Eric Von Schimmelmann, chief information officer, gave a presentation for information purposes only on the city’s information technology strategic plan.

The city worked with a consultant, NexLevel, to develop a five-year plan, which includes replacing the city’s financial system over the next two years for an estimated $1.8 million as well as its assessor/treasurer/clerk system for $500,000.


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