Oprah the Owl, the mascot of the Carson City Library, rides the Pedal Library around Mills Park in Carson City, Nev., on Friday, March 31 2017. The trailer, provided by the Friends of the Carson City Library and other community partners, will allow the library to take their services to events around the community. The public is invited to an unveiling Monday at noon at the Capitol. Photo by Cathleen Allison/Nevada Photo Source
Carson City Library will soon be pedaling its services all over town.
“This is a way we can get out to special events and provide more resources,” said Natalie Wood, creative learning manager for the Carson City Library. “It’s a library beyond our walls.”
The library’s new Pedal Library is a trailer designed to be pulled behind a bike. It can hold up to 60 pounds of books and offers a mobile wifi and charging station.
“We’re really excited to get this out to the public,” Wood said. “We’re planning to attend events, like the farmers market and wine walks, throughout the summer.”
At times, patrons will be able to check out and return books from the library or get a library card. Other times, books will be available for purchase or given away free through the Friends of the Carson City Library, which bought the $17,000 trailer and bike for the library.
“We just thought it was cool and cute,” said Phyllis Patton, president of the Friends of the Carson City Library. “It’s a good way to get the library out to the community and let them see what the library has to offer.”
The trailer will always serve as a charging station for mobile devices and provide free internet access.
“This is just another way we can serve our community,” said Sena Loyd, library director. “We are now on the move to provide greater access to information and technology.”
The public is invited to check out the Pedal Library during an unveiling at noon Monday at the Capitol.
“We want people to see what it is and learn how it works,” Wood said.
While staff has informally been referring to the Pedal Library as “Big Red,” the public is being asked to come up with an official name for the trailer.
In addition to Big Red, other suggestions are Clifford, Ladybug or Copper.
“The name should represent Carson City, libraries and reading,” Wood said. “Also, it must be appropriate for our library, community and all ages.”
The final decision will be made by the Friends of the Carson City Library.