Letters to the editor for Wednesday, April 12, 2017

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Time to respect Trump as president

In response to the letter of Phyllis Skamel in the March 17 Nevada Appeal, it was very interesting in her disdain of our current president of the United States. It is unfortunate and very petulant that you cannot put aside your dislike of this gentleman.

After all, we cannot always have the person of our preference in that office, but we can respect whomever has been elected as our leader without pouting and showing discontent as a disgruntled citizen.

Your question of the cost to taxpayers for the use of Air Force One to Florida, did you ever count up all of the vacations your past president used it for? Many to Hawaii and foreign countries as well as the wife and family vacations using a second plane. That was an extra cost to the taxpayers’ pocketbook along with the mother-in-law living in the White House.

Why not try and be happy with our current President Donald Trump?

D. Marie Bresch

Carson City