Letters to the editor for Friday, Aug. 11, 2017

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Marijuana issue comes down to individual freedom

This is in rebuttal to Ms. Shelly Aldean’s statement on the front page of the paper on Aug. 4, concerning putting off sales of marijuana for future studies.

Aldean has no right telling people how their morals should be and putting in these stores is going to make the public want to try it. What a laugh, what about the liquor stores? Do those stores make you want to go in and try the liquor? No.

I visited a dispensary in Oregon just to see what it was like inside, and you know what? It was classy, organized, clean, well managed and tasteful.

The people in this state voted this in, and Aldean’s moral theory has no place in politics. What each individual does is up to them.

Going into a marijuana store is not going to get you addicted, just like going into a liquor store won’t make you an alcoholic.

Aldean, keep your morals to yourself and let people live their own lives.

Linda Omey

Carson City