Carson City TRIAD presents Public Works for Public Safety, a discussion on managing winter weather events today at 11:45 a.m. The presentation is free and open to the public.
Carson City TRIAD presents “Public Works for Public Safety,” a discussion on how the city prepares for major winter weather events and tips and tools for individuals on how to manage in major weather at the Carson City Senior Center on Friday at 11:45 a.m.
Rob Fellows, senior project manager-storm water for the Carson City public works department, will present on behalf of the city.
According to its website, Carson City public works manages the “operations divisions of streets, water, sewer, storm water, wastewater, environmental and landfill.” It also oversees all capital projects; the transportation division, including RTC, JAC and CAMPO; and the billing division for utilities.
The presentation is free of charge and open to the public. Raffle tickets for a drawing for a gift basket will be handed out at the door.
Carson City Triad provides health and safety related information monthly at the Senior Center. Triad is a collaboration between the Carson City Sheriff’s Office, Fire Department and Senior Center.
For information, email Courtney Warner, executive director of the Carson City Senior Center, at, or call the center at 775-883-0703. The Carson City Senior Center is located at 911 Beverly Drive in Carson City.