CHS Teachers mobbing the halls to welcome students to school in order to let them know how important they are to CHS and the Carson City community.
Sierra Lutheran High School, along with Carson High School and Douglas High School’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes, were fortunate this past week to receive a visit from Flora Savai, a young lady who grew up in the Mathare slums of Nairobi, Kenya. Her message to the students was simple and powerful, a profession of both her life’s hard work to rise above her situation in the slums and her faith in Jesus Christ as her savior. In 2006, Pastor Joel Berger of Hilltop Community Church in Carson City, along with some of his associates, first met then eight grade student Flora Savai who, according to Joel Berger’s daughter Karen, is “such a perfect blend of grit and faith.” Flora shared with the students she is one of eight children and grew up in poverty. Savai said, “Everything in Kenya costs money, everything, and you even have to pay for clean drinking water, taking a shower, and going to school because there is no such thing as public school, not even primary school.” With the support of the Berger family and HCC, Flora said, “I have graduated law school and am awaiting admission to the Bar,” which is the swearing-in ceremony. However, instead of wanting to live and work in a more developed location, Savai said she is headed back to her home in the Mathare slums because, “My passion is to help other women and children.” Students and teachers listened in awe as Savai shared her testimony: “I decided to ask God into my life, and I now live for him; it is because God is with me I am here today, so I now live to worship him, and the reason for this is Jesus Christ.” Savai said, “All things happen for a reason, and my prayer for us is that when God says come home, our hearts are right with him.” Savai went on to talk not about herself, but God and all he has done for her and her family. Before the bell rang at CHS, signaling the end of the lunch period, Flora Savai ended her visit by asking everyone to gather around her as she prayed for them, for CHS students to grow in their faith and their love for one another.
Last week, to celebrate the students of CHS, the Social Emotional Learning Committee organized ‘Mob the Halls’ from 7 to 7:45 a.m. to give a warm welcome to each and every student entering the building at every possible entrance. It is amazing to watch the expressions on their faces as they enter the school and know the teachers of CHS are truly glad to see them. Additionally, throughout this past holiday approaching week, Link Crew, Leadership, and SAGE brought some very special visitors to Carson High. Students who discovered a Kindness Reindeer attached to their backpacks or clothing were asked to follow its written instructions, post their photos on social media with the assigned hashtags and pass the kindness reindeer along to another person to do the same. They were also given a positive, encouraging, and personally applicable saying to factor into their lives: “Remember, kindness is like snow ... it beautifies everything it covers.” CHS is great place to be a student.
Creative Writing Club finished off the semester watching the first few episodes of Green Arrow and Flash on Netflix and discussing their origin stories. Most superhero origin stories follow three paths to “superherodom:” trauma, chance and destiny. Green Arrow is a good example of initiation by trauma, while Flash received his speed by chance; a particle accelerator accident, to be precise. When the club resumes next year, members will look at an example of the final path: destiny. They will also look at outlier superhero origins like Iron Man, who created his own superpower suit, and non-human superheroes like Superman and Wonder Woman. If profoundly interested in the above information, having read to the end of this recap, then admit it, a superhero story junkie you are, so come and join the CHS Creative Writing Club Wednesdays from 2:20 to 3:50 p.m. in CHS Language Arts teacher Brigette Pugh’s classroom, 306, in the WNC Tech Center at Carson High. The club is a part of the Solutions program, so a late bus and snack tickets are provided after school.
CHS Bowling has had a great start to the very competitive season winning the first four matches against Galena, McQueen, Douglas, and North Valley high schools. The next event is Jan. 17 at the National Bowling Stadium in Reno from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. against Sparks. CHS Bowling continues its pre-season practices every Monday and Thursday from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Gold Dust West. Any student may join. Questions? Please see math teacher Chris Mannschreck in room 231, or call her at 775-283-1743.
Senator Scholarship Scoop is online every Monday at with the latest in scholarships, testing, college visits, and grants; first, go to “Academics,” then click on “Counseling Department,” and next “The Scoop.” Hey, CHS Seniors, it is scholarship season. Interested in learning more about scholarships and tips for applying? Come to College Connections Jan. 8 after school in room 256. Parents or Guardians, have any questions about helping out? Call 775-283-1910, and ask to speak with a CHS counselor.
Winter workouts, beginning after students return from winter break, are happening at the CHS Baseball facility for athletes interested in playing baseball during the upcoming spring season. Winter workouts will run from Jan. 8 until tryouts at the end of February. Any students interested in working out will need to fill out an off-season insurance wavier from CHS teacher Alan Matthews in the CHS Math Department, room 215. Mr. Matthews will also answer any and all questions regarding the baseball program, the paperwork, or the workouts. Email him at
The CHS Athletic Department is requesting Spring Sports Signups to occur from Jan. 12 through Feb. 14, and the deadline for sign-ups is Feb. 15, no exceptions. If physicals are needed, every two years beginning with freshman year, forms are obtained at the NIAA website: under the “Forms” tab. Both Form B and D are required for registration. Questions? Call the CHS Athletic Office: 2775-83-1900, or log on to for important information regarding signups, eligibility requirements, random drug testing, concussion testing, and physicals.
CHS Dec. 18 through Dec. 22 Athletes of the Week are Trenten Robison for CHS Boys Varsity Basketball and Lilian Bouza for CHS Girls Varsity Basketball. These athletes, and all students who participate in school functions through leadership, clubs, and sports, deserve a high level of congratulations for going above and beyond society’s expectations, not to mention the life-changing memories they are gathering and sharing with others.
Nathan Smothers is the CHS Student of the Week. Nathan plays basketball for the CHS JV team and specifically favors playing the forward position as he moves around his opponents, knowing well what their weaknesses are, and scoring with either a layup, a jump shot or a dynamic three-pointer. Not only is he a fantastic basketball player, Nathan actually goes out of his way to bring a smile to students and teachers faces; his forte, specifically, is making people laugh. However, Nathan is serious enough about his classes and grades to neither put his teachers nor his parents into an uncomfortable position of having to get on his case. His favorite class is geometry with Monica Chavez. It is great to see Nathan interacting with his peers; he is a wonderful addition to CHS.
Phil Brady is an English teacher at CHS.