David Bugli, president of the Foundation for Carson City Parks and Recreation, awards Steve Brunner, deputy director of the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Department, a $6,210 check to be used for a vault toilet project and other improvements at the Carson City Rifle and Pistol Range.
A new vault toilet is in the works for Carson City’s Rifle and Pistol Range.
The Foundation for Carson City Parks and Recreation is partnering with the Carson City Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Department to install the toilet and make other improvements this spring.
The foundation recently donated $6,210 toward the project which will be used as a cash match for a Nevada Department of Wildlife Hunter Education/Shooting Range program grant.
“We are pleased to see these funds that are raised by civic-minded citizens being put to good use within our community,” said David Bugli, president of the foundation.
Donated funds are raised through various fundraising activities by organizations affiliated within the foundation.
The vault toilet is necessary due to the increased recreational shooting demands at the range. The toilet, to be ADA accessible, will include separate facilities for men and women in a pre-cast concrete building.
Additionally, the project includes site improvements to provide recreational shooters with disabilities access to the toilet from the rifle and pistol shooting bays.
The Foundation for Carson City Parks and Recreation is an umbrella organization created for charitable and educational purposes related to Carson City Parks and Recreation. It assists the department with a variety of projects for improvements to the city’s parks. For more about it, go to CarsonCityParks.org.
For information about the vault toilet project, call Vern L. Krahn, senior park planner, at 775-283-7343, or email him at VKrahn@carson.org. Also, inappropriate activities or illegal dumping at the Carson City Rifle and Pistol Range can be reported to the Carson City Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Department at 775-887-2262.