Past Pages for Sunday, Feb. 12, 2017

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150 years ago

Lincoln’s birthday: With no intention to attempt culling carefully or at length from the multitude of thoughts which come clouding along at the mention of Lincoln’s birthday, we cannot, nevertheless, pass it by without some sort of mention. “Lives of great men all remind us” of the world of history that is blended, inseparably with their birth and with what they did and saw and suffered. Lincoln’s birthday belongs among our saint’s days.

130 years ago

All sorts: Emma Friend’s concert will take place on Wednesday next. The bill shutting off the tobacco supply of smokers under 18 ought to become law. The country papers object to execution of criminals by electricity. They had to let go of the “dull thud.”

100 years ago

National defense car makes record time on its trip to Sacramento: From Carson to Sacramento in 45 hours in the dead of winter, over the Sierra Nevada mountains, breaking roads through huge snow drifts, over roads that have not been traveled at some points at anytime this year, is the record that the Nevada Military Defense Car made on its trip, carrying a message from Gov. Boyle to Gov. Johnson.

70 years ago

Nevada lost one of its pioneer printers yesterday noon when death claimed Frank S. Cox, father of State Senator Walter Cox, at his home in Yerington. Cox entered the printing business at 15 in California and then moved to Virginia City until it suspended operations in 1893. In 1906 he began the printing business and in 1919, bought the Mason Valley News.

50 years ago

Boy Scouts from throughout Nevada will receive a firsthand look at government Tuesday as they take over functions of state officials for the day, according to Louis Spitz, Nevada Area Council president.

30 years ago

Prison Director George Sumner dropped a bomb on an Assembly committee Thursday when he said Nevada prisons must house 1,000 more prisoners over the next two years than expected in earlier projections.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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