Landscape, fire assistant grants are available

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The Nevada Division of Forestry (NDF) is currently soliciting pre-proposals for two competitive grant programs, Landscape Scale Restoration and Hazardous Fuels Reduction.

Nevada’s urban and rural ecosystems are continuously threatened by invasions of non-native species, vegetation diseases, development disturbances, unsustainable management and destructive natural events such as floods and wildfires. NDF is pleased to announce a funding opportunity made available through the USDA Forest Service, which enables cooperators to identify Landscape Scale Restoration (LSR) needs and apply for funding to address those needs. Funds may be used to implement restoration treatments that improve or restore urban/rural forests and rangelands, water resources, riparian areas and wildlife habitat. Projects that mitigate wildfire behavior, noxious weed infestations and negative ecosystem impacts are also eligible.

For more information on Landscape Scale Restoration grants, contact Heather Giger at 775-684-2552 or

Additionally, NDF is also seeking pre-proposals for the Western States Fire Managers and Hazardous Fuels-Community Protection programs, which assists cooperators with identifying and implementing fuel reduction projects to mitigate community losses from wildfires. Funding is available through two grant sources, the Western States Fire Managers (WSFM) and the Hazardous Fuels-Community Protection (HF-CP). Funds can be used for costs associated with implementing on-the-ground hazardous fuels reduction projects, information and education relating to Wildland Urban Interface issues, restoration of fire adapted ecosystems and homeowner and community protection planning.

For more information on Western States Fire Managers and Hazardous Fuels-Community Protection grants, contact Ryan Shane at 775-684-2511 or

Proposed projects for LSR, WSFM, and HF-CP funding must be implemented on state and/or private lands located in Nevada. Projects on federal lands aren’t eligible.

Pre-proposals for all competitive grant programs must be submitted on the approved forms available on the Nevada Division of Forestry website at The site also contains a more detailed description of the criteria and instructions for eligibility and the scoring criteria that will be used to rank applications. Pre-proposals must be received by the Nevada Division of Forestry as prescribed in the grant guidance documents found on the website. Late, incomplete or faxed pre-proposals won’t be accepted.


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