Melissa True, 8, is all smiles as she takes a refreshing ride on the water slide at the Carson City Aquatic Center on Monday.
August is here and it’s bringing a heat wave.
The National Weather Service (NWS) on Monday issued a heat advisory for the next several days, starting at 11 a.m. today through Thursday at 11 p.m.
Carson City temperatures are expected to hit 100-101 degrees today and Wednesday, with a 20 percent chance of thunderstorms and rain showers Wednesday night and Thursday afternoon.
Today and Wednesday are expected to hit record high temperatures, according to NWS. In Reno, which has more consistent data than Carson City, temperatures for the next two days are forecast to be 104 and 105, breaking the previous records of 103 and 101, said Zach Tolby, meteorologist in the NWS Reno office. Carson City temperatures are three degrees below Reno’s on average, he said.
The weather service advises people to wear loose clothing, drink plenty of water, never leave children or pets unattended in cars and watch for signs of heat-related illnesses.
“Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency. Call 911,” reads the NWS advisory.
Carson City Health and Human Services (CCHHS) issued similar warnings Monday.
“When it is very hot or if you are very active, be alert for signs of dehydration. Symptoms include a decrease in urination, a dry mouth and throat, and feeling dizzy when standing up. Pay special attention to young children to ensure that they are drinking enough fluid,” read the release.
CCHHS said that while anyone can be affected by the heat, the most vulnerable are the elderly, the very young and those with chronic diseases or who are overweight.
CCHHS suggested checking on friends and neighbors, especially the elderly.
More information on heat-related illnesses is available at the Centers for Disease Control web site,
Also susceptible are outdoor workers, including construction and landscaping crews.
“Our workers wear wide-brimmed hats and I give them those cooling towels and the option of working eight hour days,” instead of typical 10-hour shifts, said Adam Wilkin, owner, ProScape Landscape Management.
Wilkin said his crews start at 7 a.m. and knock off around 3 p.m. and would start earlier except for noise ordinances which prohibit use of equipment such as lawnmowers any earlier.
“If they wanted to start at 5 a.m. that would be great, but we’ve had complaints in the past,” said Wilkin.
Outdoor workers for Carson City’s Public Works and Parks, Recreation and Open Space departments take similar precautions.
“Much of what our crews do is work that needs to get done. The crews have proper clothing for the season and water,” said City Manager Nick Marano. “Furthermore, supervisors are trained to monitor their employees and take appropriate action if an employee is showing signs of any type of heat exhaustion.”
The Recreation Division has relocated youth day camps and some outdoor recreation activities indoors where possible to keep our participants safe.
Courtney Warner, executive director, Carson City Senior Center said the Senior Center is definitely a place to cool off as many seniors stay the whole day because, “we have a cool and comfortable environment.”
Warner said they are accepting donations of fans to distribute to seniors in need.
She said the senior center is out of fans.
The extended weather forecast for Carson City calls for high temperatures in the low 90s starting Friday and through next week.