Nash, Kabush again win criterium at Carson City Off-Road (gallery, video)

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Katerina Nash and Geoff Kabush made it 3-for-3 after posting impressive wins in the women’s and men’s Pro Fat Tire Crit at the second annual Carson Off-Road event Friday night.

Nash and Kabush swept the crit and the 50-mile backcountry race in last year’s inaugural event.

Kabush led just one lap on Friday — the eighth — of the 11-lap event. Spencer Paxson led laps nine and 10, but faded badly on the final lap and finished 18th. Veteran Todd Wells was second, Keegan Swenson was third, overall leader Howard Grotts was fourth, Payson McElveen fifth and Reno teen-ager Jake Yackle was an impressive sixth. Yackle won the Capitol 50-miler for amateurs last year, and he could be a darkhorse on Sunday.

There were seven lap leaders. Barberi and Paxson each led two of the laps.

“I was just trying to stay toward the front,” Kabush said. “There was no point leading unless I was trying to wear guys out. It was a tough race. It was harder to get away this year. He (Paxson) attacked and built up a pretty good gap, but I knew there was a lot of gas left in the group.

“Howard (Grotts) attacked and took two with him on that last lap. I was with Stefano Barberi, and I had to decide whether to attack or not. I decided to stay and draft. With about three corners left, I made my move, and I was able to hold off Todd (Wells).”

Kabush (1st), McElveen (7th) and Kyle Trudeau (5th) all finished in the top-10 a year ago. Two top-notch racers — Ben Sonntag and Russell Finsterwald — suffered injuries and didn’t compete. Finsterwald suffered a broken collarbone earlier this week.

Kabush now turns his attention to Sunday’s 50-miler. He’s second in the overall standings to Grotts, who has won the first two events of the three-race series. Grotts enters the final event with a 12-minute 55-second lead over Kabush.

Kabush, who has appeared in three Olympics, knows the overall title is probably out of reach.

“There would have to be a mechanical issues for Howard (Grotts) to lose the overall lead,” Kabush said. “I’m just going to go out and give it my best. I’d like to beat him once this year.”

Kabush has ridden the course, and he expects it to be a tough day with the weather expected to reach the 90s which could affect riders in the latter part of the race.

“There is a lot of climbing,” Kabush said. “It will be tough.”

Nash, meanwhile never led any of the laps. She was, however, among the top six or seven riders on all but a couple of laps. Olivia Dillon led two laps as did Crystal Anthony.

Nash started the final lap in fourth place, but overtook Anthony, Mindy McCutcheon and Serena Bishop Gordon who were running in the top three spots after the 10th lap.

“There were a couple of good attacks on the back side (of the course),” said Nash, who has had a dominant season. “There were a lot of strong riders in the field. I never led, but I always stayed close to the front so I could monitor what was going on.”

Rose Grant, who suffered an injury that caused her to miss a race, took second with a strong last lap and Amy Biesel, who’s second overall in the standings, was third. Sofia Gomez-Vilafane and Maghalie Rochette rounded out the top five. Bishop Gordon was sixth followed by Anthony, McCutcheon, Dillon and Sara Headley.

“She (Nash) is so amazing,” Bishop Gordon said. “She just decides to go and goes by everybody.”

“It was hard,” Beisel said. “There were girls attacking on every lap. Never been in a crit where there was constant attacking like that. It was a super talented field. Usually you have three or four riders that it comes down to, but there were 12 riders that had a chance to win.”

Biesel was pleased with her finish, and she’ll have a day off before challenging Nash again. Nash leads Biesel by 14-minutes 26-seconds, but the Emeryville rider isn’t taking anything for granted though the lead looks safe and the overall title is hers to lose. The riders will tackle a new course on Sunday, one that involves more climbing.

“Riders can have horrible days,” she said. “Hopefully that doesn’t happen.”

“It’s going to be hard,” Nash said. “Will it be harder? That is hard to tell right now.”

Sunday’s action starts at 8:30 a.m.


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