Mary Ann and Gilbert Dixon, of Fallon, pose with their Ford 1923 T-Bucket Delivery and 1923 T-Bucket on Tuesday, June 13, 2017. The Dixons will join T-Bucket enthusiasts from across the country at the T-Bucket Alliance National Convention June 22-24 at Mills Park in Carson City. Photo by Kim Lamb/Nevada Photo Source
Since the National T-Bucket Alliance held its first national convention in Carson City in 2013, members have been clamoring to return.
“They couldn’t believe it,” said Gilbert Dixon, president of the Nevada-California chapter of the club. “You’re just 25 minutes from seeing a majestic lake in the mountains. They’ve been begging us every year to do it again.”
They will get their wish as the show will return to Mills Park on June 22-24 with more than 120 cars from across the country as well as New Zealand and Japan.
Members of the club all own a Model-T Ford from the inception of its manufacturing in 1907 to when it was discontinued in 1927.
Dixon began working on cars in high school and would spend a lot of time with his grandfather going to car shows. For a time, he also raced stock cars.
In 2009, he built his first Model-T, a 1923 T-Bucket pickup. In 2013, he built his wife, Mary Ann, a 1923 Delivery, one of only 15 million made between 1908 and 1927.
“Fabrication just kind of comes natural,” Dixon said. “When I’m not working on my own, I’m working on somebody else’s.”
Mary Ann said he’s prone to modesty. She said the couple is complimented often on the craftsmanship of their cars.
“You have more sense of pride because you built it,” she said. “You know every nut and bolt and every busted knuckle. You know the hard work it took to get it road worthy.”
The Fallon couple attended their first T-Bucket Alliance show a few years ago, and were immediately drawn in.
“Within the first day, it was as if I’d known them my entire life,” Mary Ann said. “It’s a wonderful thing to be a part of.”
The T-Bucket convention will share space in Mills Park with the Rockabilly Riot car show and the Extreme Motor Officer Challenge. The Karson Kruzers will host its annual Run What Cha Brung classic car show the same weekend in Fuji Park.
“It’s going to be a heck of a weekend for the public,” Mary Ann said. “Although the genres are different, the love of cars is universal.”
All the shows will participate in a grand downtown cruise 6 p.m. Saturday led by the motor officers. The cruise will culminate at the Nevada Railroad Museum for photo shoots.
“You’re going to see just about every era of car,” Mary Ann said. “They’re going to get the whole gamut, motorcycles besides. You couldn’t ask for more.”