150 Years Ago
Dr. Mason’s lecture: “The Political Equality of Woman” was attended by about 80 people. The doctor is an earnest and sincere advocate of the social and political equality of the sexes as a link in the chain of progress to elevate the whole human race. We honor him for his ardent hope and fearless spirit evinced in the advocacy of unpopular ideas. He stated that the world and himself were yet young, but the length of his discourse was almost three hours, and was not calculated to convince his audience that such is the case ...
130 Years Ago
All sorts: There is talk of lighting Carson by electricity.
The new flume of the Virginia and Gold Hill Water Company will be completed from the outlet of the big inverted syphon on the ridge this side of Washoe Valley.
110 Years Ago
Water goes down: The flood at Empire has receded. The flood went down as fast as it came. People were moving their belongings out — as about a foot of mud has been deposited in all of the dwellings.
70 Years Ago
Historic V&T wrecking crane: Another old piece of railway equipment has been lost to the state of Nevada. Gordon A. Sampson, vice president and general manager of the Virginia and Truckee railway, said that the wrecking crane built in the Carson shops in the early 1870s has been sold to Paramount Pictures of Hollywood. The crane, known as a “hook,” has gone the way of the famed “Brass Betsy,” one time unique V&T locomotive seen frequently on the screen in Hollywood “westerns.”
50 Years Ago
Carson College: Sen. Howard Cannon paid a surprise visit to Carson College and was accompanied by dean of the college, Dr. C. C. Gosling. They made a tour of the campus and talked with students and faculty members.
20 Years Ago
Advertisement: “Meadowdale 3 Theatres, “Liar Liar” with Jim Carrey, Tim Allen in “Jungle 2 Jungle,” and the “The English Patient.”
Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.