No shortage of disappointment in Trump administration
In response to the letter from Joe Lopez:
I am a born free American! I do respect the office of the President of the United States, albeit I do not respect the man who holds that present title. I take offense to anyone insinuating I have to respect the man because he is the POTUS. No one thinks for me. I take people at face value.
Mr. Trump flip-flops in his messages, has a hard time with the truth and seems to take reports (true or not) out of context and tries to turn them to his advantage.
He is very insecure and takes it personally when he doesn’t get his way. He confuses people and is very untrustworthy. People in his own party have opposed him. The Trumpcare fiasco!
I see nothing positive coming out of the Trump administration. How much money is it costing the taxpayers to lift Air Force One off the ground so POTUS can have a weekend in Florida?
I was under the impression that our Constitution states a government for the people and by the people. All I see is a government for the White House and by the White House. I believe we have an alternative president. Just saying.
Phyllis Skamel
Carson City