CCSO Mounted Posse members Shari Buchanan, Cathy Bruno and Donna Robinson wait for the exchange during the Peace Officer's Memorial Run at the Silver City RV Park Wednesday.
The 20th Annual Nevada Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Ceremony will take place at 1 p.m. Thursday on the Capitol Grounds.
The service will honor the 130 Nevada Peace Officers who have died in the line of duty since 1861. The last officer killed was Detective Chad Parque of the North Las Vegas Police Department who died Jan. 7 after succumbing to injuries sustained in a head-on auto crash. The last officer to be killed in the line of duty in Carson City was Deputy Carl Howell who died Aug. 15, 2015.
The ceremony will include the presentation of the colors, Bag pipes, 21-gun salute, laying of the wreath, speeches, prayer, reverent songs, riderless horse, finalized by families of the fallen laying carnations on the memorial and Taps.
Carson City Mayor Robert Crowell issued a proclamation at the April 20 Board of Supervisors meeting, designating May as the Shine Blue Lights tribute and remembrance for all peace officers serving Carson City.
Memorial attendees will be offered a blue light bulb courtesy of the Dick Campagni Auto Group as part of the Shine Blue Lights campaign, a national campaign where residents put blue light bulbs on their front porches in support of law enforcement. Event coordinators hope residents will participate not only for National Police Week — May 14-20 — but all year to show local law enforcement the community supports them.
The National Day of Prayer will take place at 11 a.m. on the steps of the Capitol.