The steam locomotive No. 25 warms up on the tracks at the Nevada State Railroad Museum on May 18. The tracks and grounds damaged by January flooding have been repaired and the museum will resume full activities, including train rides, beginning with the Memorial Day Weekend.
The Nevada State Railroad Museum is back to full operations just in time for the Memorial Day Weekend and the busy summer season.
Construction crews this week completed removal of more than 110,000 square feet of debris and repairs to the tracks on the museum grounds that were damaged by flooding in January.
“We are in full operation and will open the annex as well,” museum Director Dan Thielen said.
Heavy rains in January led to a deluge of water onto the grounds of the railroad museum, undercutting a portion of the track circling the museum grounds, leaving a thick layer of silt and other debris and flooding into the shop, annex and main museum building.
The property was closed to the public for two months as museum crews and volunteers cleaned the buildings. The main museum building reopened in March, but the annex and shop remained closed to the public for safety concerns until the cleanup could be completed.
Mountain States Contracting led the cleanup effort along with State Public Works and State Risk Management and many museum volunteers.
“They were able to remove all the silt, put in all new ballast, put a new crossing in and repair the track,” Thielen said. “They absolutely did a first-class job, a beautiful job.”
Peter Barton, administrator for the Division of Museums and History, said the effort to have the museum operating at full capacity for Memorial Day was a monumental one, reached through a combination of a supportive community, volunteers and agencies working together.
“The Division and the Railroad Museum are grateful to the community for their outpouring of support that helped propel recovery from the devastating January flooding,” Barton said. “Many state and federal agencies came together and cooperated to get the museum ready for our peak season. Thank you to everyone who helped.”
The museum plans to have the No. 25 steam locomotive pulling passenger cars. In addition, the historic Glenbrook locomotive will be rolled out and on display for the weekend.
The Warren Engine Company will be selling refreshments on the grounds for the weekend and the museum’s store will be open as well.
The Nevada State Railroad Museum is open Thursday through Monday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Admission is $6 for adults and free for children 17 and younger.