Several veterans were honored for their service at a Carson City Republican Women luncheon on Nov. 21 at the Carson Nugget. The guest speaker was John Yuspa of Honor Flight Nevada, which honors veterans with trips to Washington, D.C. Election of officers for 2018 was voted at the meeting as well. An installation dinner will be at 5:30 p.m. Dec. 19 at the Nugget. For information and tickets, contact Sandy Markoe at 775-220-3589 or by Dec. 15.
Several veterans were honored for their service at a Carson City Republican Women luncheon on Nov. 21 at the Carson Nugget.
The guest speaker was John Yuspa, founder and CEO of Honor Flight Nevada.
Many of those in attendance recounted their experiences with Honor Flight, which ushers local veterans to the nation’s capital so they can see the monuments built in their honor.
Yuspa said many of the men and women who go on the trips might never have met before. But after sharing this experience, it was like they were old friends.
A biannual luncheon is held in Reno to honor those who are unable to take the trip to the nation’s capital.
Election of officers for 2018 was voted at the meeting as well.
The officers for the coming year include: President Angela LoGiurato; 1st Vice President Mary Burgoon; 2nd Vice President Janice Baldwin; Treasurer Linda Haynes and Recording Secretary Suzie Weissman.
The community is invited to an installation dinner meeting at 5:30 p.m. Dec. 19 at the Nugget. The cost of the dinner is $35 per person, and tickets must be purchased by Dec. 15.
For tickets, contact Sandy Markoe at 775-220-3589 or No tickets will be sold on the night of the event.