NV Energy’s director of biz development Jeff Brigger in his own words

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Northern Nevada Business Weekly: Tell us about your company and the duties of your position.

Jeff Brigger: Many people do not know, but NV Energy is a major contributor in bringing new businesses to Nevada. Our “small but mighty” business development team actively recruits companies to Nevada, develops creative solutions to meet current and future customer energy needs and works hand in hand to assist economic development partners with their recruiting efforts.

NNBW: Why did you get into this profession?

Brigger: After seeing the positive impacts that business development has on local and state economies, I wanted to be a part of helping Nevada attract quality businesses to the state.

NNBW: What do you enjoy most about working in your field?

Brigger: It is a fun, exciting, challenging and ever-changing field that positively affects Nevada and its communities and has a huge trickle-down effect on the residents of the state. The dedicated and passionate NV Energy Business Development team and I value building relationships with current and future business leaders. Throughout the process, we get to know the key leaders of each business and learn how the business can positively impact the local and state economies.

NNBW: What is the most challenging part about your job?

Brigger: The most challenging part of this position is exercising patience. It can take several months to several years for a company to make the move since there are large capital requirements associated with relocating or establishing a business.

NNBW: What do you foresee in the future of your profession?

Brigger: Now and in the future, transparency, which is essential in business development, will continue to be key to building relationships and continuing the positive momentum that Nevada has had over the last several years.

NNBW: What advice would you give someone who wants to get into your profession?

Brigger: Be willing to learn and don’t be afraid of taking a risk. That could even mean taking a step back in your career to gain new skills, which will propel your career in the future.

NNBW: What was the best advice anyone ever gave you either professionally or personally?

Brigger: Actions speak louder than words, and always follow through on commitments.

NNBW: Has there been someone who was especially influential in helping you establish your career or in reaching your higher goals? If so, who and how?

Brigger: My grandparents were incredibly influential figures in my life. Through their love and care, they taught me the value of a strong work ethic, loyalty and continually learning.

NNBW: Do you belong to any professional/networking organizations? How has membership benefited your career?

Brigger: I belong to NAIOP, WIN and various economic development organizations. Membership in these organizations allows me to have access to business leaders and gives me the ability to stay informed about current and future trends in the region and beyond.

NNBW: How do you manage your time between the responsibilities of your profession and your personal life?

Brigger: My wife is an incredible partner and supporter of my career. Together we make our family a priority and actively work to strike a balance between careers and family time.

NNBW: What are your hobbies? How do you spend your time away from work?

Brigger: I enjoy the great outdoors – hunting, fishing, backpacking and hiking. This year, my son won a deer tag. I can’t wait to experience one of my favorite past times with him.

NNBW: Is there a nonprofit or charitable organization that you like to donate your time to?

Brigger: As a past board chairman of Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful, I continue to support this incredible organization. The staff, board, committees and volunteers work tirelessly to ensure our beautiful community stays that way. It is inspiring to work with so many people who are committed to the same vision and seeing great progress along the way.

NNBW: Last concert or sporting event attended?

Brigger: I recently took my son, Connor, to his first MLB game, the Houston Astros — our favorite team — versus the New York Yankees. And the Astros won, making his first MLB experience even more memorable.

NNBW: Why did you choose a career in Northern Nevada? What do you like about living/working here?

Brigger: Nevada has it all: nice people, a collaborative business community, the outdoors, close proximity to major cities, great food, art and culture … there is never a shortage of new things to see and do.


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