Astronomy enthusiasts watch coverage of a total solar eclipse on Aug. 21 at the Jack C. Davis Observatory on the Western Nevada College campus in Carson City.
Mark your calendars to attend a pair of science lectures at Jack C. Davis Observatory in September.
On Sept. 9, WNC physics professor Dr. Thomas Herring will lecture on “Nuclear Physics for Everyone,” while on Sept. 23, WNC astronomy instructor Dr. Marla Moore will talk about “The Cassini Probe at Saturn: Its Journey and Legacy.”
Both lectures start at 7:30 p.m.
In his lecture, Herring will provide an introduction to nuclear physics, including applications from medicine, electrical power generation and even weapons of mass destruction.
“I hope to dispel a few myths, illuminate some dangers and take a look at what we really know about the dense, hard centers of atoms also known as nuclei,” Herring said.
In Moore’s timely lecture about the Cassini Probe at Saturn, she will talk about what Cassini has done since it arrived in orbit around Saturn in 2004.
“This will be very timely as the Cassini probe will have just crashed into Saturn’s atmosphere (Sept. 15), sending as much data as possible before the ringed giant burns up the probe in a meteoric flash,” Herring said.
On Saturday nights when lectures aren’t scheduled, the observatory is open to the public from sundown to 11 p.m. Star Parties brings together people with an interest in astronomy.
The lectures and Star Parties are free and open to the public.
The observatory is located at 2699 Van Patten Drive in Carson City.
WNC Recognizes Employees, Teams of the Year
Each year, Western Nevada College employees honor fellow colleagues in various departments who have been standouts in the college community in 2017.
Gregory Sly was awarded the Administrative Faculty of the Year Award for his work and fiscal responsibility as TAACCCT grant project manager.
Heather Rikalo, an administrative assistant in Counseling Services, was honored as the Classified Council Employee of the Year Award.
As for the Faculty Employee of the Year Award, Emily Howarth now has this honor to go with her 2015 Regents’ Teaching Award. The Electronics and Industrial Technology professor has helped students train for advanced manufacturing careers with such companies as Tesla and Panasonic. She recently trained at Siemens headquarters in Germany so she can prepare students at WNC for Level 2 certification.
Two President’s Team Awards were presented. Stephanie Arrigotti accepted the award for the Western Nevada Musical Theatre Company, which recently celebrated its 100th performance. Also, members of WNC Academic Faculty were honored for their efforts in the classroom nurturing and teaching Jump Start College students.
Tickets for Beauty and the Best Now on Sale
Tickets are now on sale for Western Nevada Musical Theatre Company’s production of the full Broadway version of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast.
The Tony-winning tale is coming to the Carson City Community Center on weekends from Nov. 4-19. Tickets are $25 and $28 and are available at or by calling (866) 977-6849.
Evening performances are at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 4, 10, 11, 17 and 18. Matinees are at 2 p.m. on Nov. 5, 11, 12, 18 and 19.
NSHE Chancellor, Board Chairman to Visit WNC to Trigger President Search
Nevada System of Higher Education Chancellor Dr. Thom Reilly and Board Chairman Kevin J. Page plan to visit WNC on Monday, Sept. 18 to gather information for naming an acting or interim president at the college.
They will meet with the WNC Institutional Advisory Committee, Foundation and Associated Students of Western Nevada at 11 a.m. in Reynolds Center Room 101. Members of the public may attend this meeting and provide comments.
There will be an interactive video of this meeting available on the Fallon campus in Virgil Getto Hall Room 308 to allow public comment.
WNC Campuses Closed on Monday
WNC campuses will be closed on Monday in observance of Labor Day. The campuses will reopen on Tuesday at 8 a.m.