Letters to the editor for Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2017

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Trump a beacon of hope

Kudos to President Donald J Trump on his administration so far.

His intelligence, leadership and patriotism has been a beacon of hope that America hasn’t seen for decades. In the face of anger, hatred and violence from the left, he and his beautiful family have composed themselves to promote fair, humane and reasonable governance.

This administration is what our founding fathers envisioned to carry on the American dream. Don’t fall for the lies and propaganda of the left. Don’t allow yourselves to be deceived by the media, Hollywood, special interest groups and public education unions. Resolve yourselves to uphold the rule of law, repel illegal immigration, turn away from the debauchery of liberalism.

The left seems to turn to hate, that’s all they have. Their ideas cannot win at the ballot box so they riot and impose their perverted will by force. Please turn them away, save America…

Dan Cerda



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