Sept. 11-15 is unplug week at Carson High School, when students and staff are encouraged to disconnect from technology.
Next week, Sept. 11-15, Carson High School will encourage students and staff to disconnect from technology to better reconnect with each other.
The CHS Social Emotional Learning Committee and school administrators decided to dedicate a week to the cause.
Throughout the week, the school will touch on the five standards of SEL and encourage unplugging by turning off cell phones Monday, turning off video games Tuesday, taking out the earbuds Wednesday, disconnecting from social media Thursday and then reflecting and rebooting Friday. Each day will feature sensory focused lunchtime events from gardening, organized walks, art activities and musical and other performances in CHS’s Senator Square.
“Some students suffer from FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) because of what they see on social media,” said CHS Principal Tasha Fuson.
“Some find themselves checking their phones at inopportune times, such as during a face-to-face conversation, walking down the halls or during class. Technology is a useful tool, and at the same time, when we rely too heavily on it, we lose connection with the world around us.”
Sept. 11: Carson Unplugged theme will be “Be Brave: Unplug from Your Cell Phone.” Take out the earbuds and power down your phone. Get to know the people around you at lunch while listening to the CHS orchestra play in Senator Square and create origami art in the North Foyer. The reason for unplugging comes from blogger Joshua Becker: “Life, at its best, is happening right in front of you. These experiences will never repeat themselves ... If we are too busy staring down at our screen, we’re gonna miss all of it.” So turn off your cell phone and enjoy some art and music.
Sept. 12: Carson Unplugged theme will be “Be Brave: Unplug from Your Video Games.” Explore the tactile world. At lunch, enjoy getting your hands dirty with a make-and-take gardening project. Meet in room 162. If gardening isn’t your thing, stay inside and enjoy the CHS jazz band in Senator Square. Take a break from video games.
Sept. 13: Carson Unplugged theme will be “Be Brave: Unplug from Your Headphones and Earbuds” and listen to the world around you. The reason for unplugging Wednesday comes from writer Erica Murphy: “I realized that when I put down my phone and picked up my head, the people I saw were entertaining. People do silly things, interesting things, nice things and we mostly miss out on all of it.” Take out those earbuds and listen to the silly, interesting and nice things that are being said around you. At lunch enjoy the sweet sounds of our talented Chamber Choir in Senator Square.
Sept. 14: Carson Unplugged theme will be “Be Brave: Unplug from Your Social Media.” Log off of Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram. Time magazine reports heavy social media users often feel frustration and sadness caused by “comparing themselves socially to their peers” and not getting enough “likes.” Stay present in your own life and avoid comparing yours with others. What you see on social media is the glossy version of others’ lives. So unplug from social media and connect with the real world. The lunchtime activities will include a relaxing walk around the track at lunch and a performance by CHS Drama Club at lunch in Senator Square.
Sept. 15: Carson Unplugged theme will be “Be Brave: Reboot and Reflect.” Technology is a useful tool. At the same time, when we rely too heavily on technology, we can lose connection with the world around us. Post your experiences to the “Post It Wall” in Senator Square. Share how the unplugging week went for you while enjoying a spirited performance by the CHS Beginning and Intermediate/Advanced Dance Ensembles at lunch in Senator Square. Thank you for participating in Carson Unplugged.
For information, visit For details about CCSD Social Emotional Learning, go to