Carson City Volunteer Connection for Sept. 10

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This continues RSVP’s Sunday column of outstanding volunteer opportunities. If you’re interested in volunteering, contact Sandy at 775-687-4680, ext. 6. Don’t call agencies directly as they can’t process applications to volunteer.

NEW! ComputerCorps is seeking volunteers to disassemble, test, repair, upgrade and reassemble donated computer and other equipment to create refurbished computers, printers, and monitors. ComputerCorps then donates this refurbished computer equipment to deserving individuals, organizations and schools at little or no cost. Volunteers receive free lunch and earn credits toward the purchase of computers or electronic equipment for each hour served. Kitchen help is also needed. If you’re interested in giving some of your time to this worthy organization, call Sandy at RSVP.

NEW! RSVP is seeking a field representative(s) to help elders, veterans and caregivers in Storey County and Lyon County with programs provided by volunteers such as transportation, veterans services, respite care and personal emergency response systems. Duties include leadership of program, collecting monthly time sheets, volunteer recruitment-client match, community outreach, and documentation. A commitment of about 10 hours per week required. Monthly stipend, out of pocket expenses and mileage reimbursement provided. Call Sandy at the RSVP office if you’re interested.

Carson Tahoe Health, one of the most trusted healthcare providers in Northern Nevada, is looking for active adults to join their growing team of outstanding volunteers. CTH couldn’t provide the exceptional care it does without its beloved volunteers. Volunteer opportunities include shuttling patients in the parking lot, assisting patients in wheelchairs, guiding visitors, and helping in its fabulous Auxiliary-run Gift Shop! Call Sandy at RSVP to learn how you can apply and register to begin your first step in joining the Carson Tahoe team!

RSVP is seeking a volunteer for our Carson City office to help with filing, sending thank you notes and birthday cards to our volunteers. If you’re interested in spending a few hours a week helping out, call Sandy at RSVP at 687-4680.

ESL In-Home Program is seeking Community Volunteer Tutors to provide ESL tutoring, literacy, or citizenship study to adult immigrants. You don’t need to be bilingual to volunteer with ESL!

RSVP is in need of volunteer drivers to transport local seniors, veterans and adults with disabilities to important medical appointments and errands. Hours are flexible according to your availability. Join our team and help make a difference in a senior’s life today!

Douglas County Sheriff’s Office, Carson City Substation is looking for volunteers to assist individuals by phone or in person who are in need of services provided by the Sheriff’s Office. Services may include checking on seniors by phone, issuing special permits and answering questions. Please contact Sandy for more details.

Catmandu is seeking volunteers to care for adult cats and kittens in its Carson City facility. It needs volunteers to feed and help socialize the animals until they’re placed with a new family.

Classy Seconds Thrift Shop is seeking volunteers for various positions throughout the shop. Volunteers are needed to help sort clothing, organize the book nook, arrange displays and greet donors. This opportunity allows Advocates to End Domestic Violence to aid victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Through volunteer service, we’re able to help victims escape violent situations.

All volunteers receive orientation and training. In addition to these great opportunities, many of our other partner organizations could use your help as a volunteer. RSVP offers mileage reimbursement and insurance coverage. If you’re a governmental agency or nonprofit organization and would like RSVP to feature your need for volunteers, please contact Sandy at RSVP at 775-687-4680, ext. 6.


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